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a serious question,

Guest markbrick1

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Guest markbrick1
  Nikey said:
  markbrick1 said:
its only a thought.............and not one of mine.i have a lot of land to hunt upon,with lots of rabbits pheasants and foxes,i have farmers phoning me all the time to control the rabbits,would people pay to ferret lamp and shoot,i for one wouldnt :whistling: so like i say its not my thought its my son in laws :gunsmilie: i also have holiday lets,all hunting would be on land with permision and i must have 10,000 acres available,also as a bonus 200 yards from the lets theres a trout stream and 1 mile away there is some good sea fishing,but iam no fisherman but some are,what would one excpect to catch quantitys if they were paying for lamping and ferreting??????????????like i say its not my thought its his :drink: so per night with accomadation and hunting,i know i will get some stick here but what the feck i am used to that, :laugh: but being from the north west we arnt all as lucky as me down here in cornwall,so come on give me are him some ideas,catch nu,price etc of coarse own dogs ferrets and guns,there isnt many places that do this around the uk to help the lurcher and terrier enthusiastic person,mark


Did you forget to send that info i asked you for Mark...... :whistling:

yes completly so i will do it promise

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I started off by saying that I reckon it was a brilliant idea, then realised I'd only read the first page :rolleyes: LOL.

My only thoughts on providing the amount of game you'd be looking for throughout the hunting season would be that the onus would be on you to manage the land and game properly. In other words: fix a minimum quota for a night's lamping,(for example) then go home when that has been reached regardless of how much more they want to run or whether their dogs are capable.


You know you can only catch what is there and once it's gone it's gone! Maybe you could try letting them lamp earlier season then ferret back end of the season once the remaining rabbits are lamp shy! But then you also have to safeguard your future sport too: if it took off in a big way I could see you becoming a commercial warrener type!

Or........you could do a test season next season and work out how many people the land could accomodate over a season without ruining it for the following one: .......just a couple of thoughts that sprang to mind.

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Mark, it sounds like a good idea to have a few days away on some different ground and the chance to work your dog, my worry for you would be screwing up your own hunting by paying punters doing too good a job and thinning out your quarry and the scrotes who would come back on the land after and help themselves. If you have over 10,000 acres it would be impossible to keep an eye on it.

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  skycat said:
I started off by saying that I reckon it was a brilliant idea, then realised I'd only read the first page :rolleyes: LOL.

My only thoughts on providing the amount of game you'd be looking for throughout the hunting season would be that the onus would be on you to manage the land and game properly. In other words: fix a minimum quota for a night's lamping,(for example) then go home when that has been reached regardless of how much more they want to run or whether their dogs are capable.


You know you can only catch what is there and once it's gone it's gone! Maybe you could try letting them lamp earlier season then ferret back end of the season once the remaining rabbits are lamp shy! But then you also have to safeguard your future sport too: if it took off in a big way I could see you becoming a commercial warrener type!

Or........you could do a test season next season and work out how many people the land could accomodate over a season without ruining it for the following one: .......just a couple of thoughts that sprang to mind.

Don't you start thinking about travelling for bunnies ! You and Andy Pandy are wiping out all the Cambridgeshire ones now! Inan.

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  markbrick1 said:
rob i got a good peace of land 500 acres get back down rabbits everywere next to chivi roundabout near the wind turbines,mark


Any night this week mate, or the weekend.....the mother in law is here so i have permission to feck off from home at will! Call me

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Guest markbrick1
  tia.kins said:
  markbrick1 said:
rob i got a good peace of land 500 acres get back down rabbits everywere next to chivi roundabout near the wind turbines,mark


Any night this week mate, or the weekend.....the mother in law is here so i have permission to feck off from home at will! Call me

thursday night fine be here approx 9,15 we will have a cup ot tea and leave 9,45 and see if there si anything out there, :laugh: i tried phonin you back but went to anwer machine,i was in b and q

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Guest bigredbusa
7 out of 10 of your paid guests would poach the land they have been on if worth it and i would guess you would end up losing at least 75% of your permison in the first year and alot of respect from the farmers is it worth it?????????????


fair point , i wouldnt just invite anyone but then you are limiting yourself to punters .


50 ferreted rabbits a day would keep you busy so sounds good , jeez what am i saying ?? ;)

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would'nt mind a crack at that mark if just for the break,could you provide terrier work :whistling::victory:

and maybe a roe or 2 :D the missus would wonder why i was packing the dogs and leaving the suit cases though

Edited by roybo
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  Royston2 said:
7 out of 10 of your paid guests would poach the land they have been on if worth it and i would guess you would end up losing at least 75% of your permison in the first year and alot of respect from the farmers is it worth it?????????????



i dissagre, i think very few people would come back and poach it. most of the people who come are going to come from a fair distance a way, probly hundreds of miles .


most of the lads that do these kinds of holidays usualy go a long way frome there own areas , i know a few lads from the midlands that go to to right up scotland , the idea is to go somwhere new . these are not the kind of distances that lads will travel to poach .. and with mark being right at the very bottom of the uk , i think he would be ok . .now you may get the odd ones , but on the hole i think you would be ok


people who live local , will most probly not come there on a break , and also if they live local they would poach it any way.


and the other thing is mark is out a fair a bit any way , and if your taking other guests out , you would most likly bump in to the poachers.


good luck with the ventre if you go a head. TOMO ;)

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Does anyone remember an advert in the working terrier yearbook? About 1997-1999 for fieldsport courses on terrierwork, lurchers etc, I was a young lad at the time and my dad phoned the number but the company had folded, the guy on the phone turned out to be Plummer..............

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Guest markbrick1

it cant fold if i go ahead and do it,which is a big possibilitie :victory: as to poaching i dont think that will happen my land isnt 50 miles from anywere like up in scotland each farm varies from 80 to 500 acres not big massive farms and poachers are easily caught are seen by the farmers,why would someone want to travell a hundred miles to poach rabbits are dig a few foxes around the bird pens are ferret without permision,beats me and the chance of a :boxing: and loosing there dogs etc,as i wouldnt want to poach down here,not like scotland really, i will be aiming these breaks at people who want to get away with there dogs are guns to do what they cant do up country,and enjoy what we should all be able to do all over the country,mark

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