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grawling pup

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Hi just bought a new pup "collie greyhound x bedlington greyhound". After i have put his food down, say i want to go near it again, or add something, he grawls and snawls, and goes to snap. Now dont get me wrong, i know it is his tea, and he may have had to fight fight for hius food with other pups, i have just never had this before in a lurcher, is it normal? Other than that he is so good loving, fetchs, and all the rest of it. cheers Russ


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this needs to be nipped in the bud soonest as it is obviously a potentialy dangerouse situation when you have a dog that food guards especially if there were ever kids about ... but also he may well become aggresive and guard any prey he may catch and will bite you rather than give up his hard caught bunny ... there are 2 ways to cure this one sharp quick the other the gentler and longer ... number 1 put the dogs food down and then try and go near it if the dog growls then you must take the dominant stance and grab him by the scruff and pin him to the floor telling him off in the lowest voice you can manage ... do not let him go untill he submits ... he will then know you are in charge and if you want to take his food or anything else you can whenever and wherever you want .... the other option is to feed only a tiny amount of food at a time so that the dog soon learns that when you aproach his food bowl it is not to steal his food but to give him more ... in this way he associates the aproach to his food bowl as a good thing ... however this wont cure what i believe is thge underlaying factor here and that is that the pup is trying to dominate you and the family ... if it was my pup i would be using option number one and letting him know that he is at the bottom of the pecking order and thats where he will stay no matter how old or big he gets .........

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Personally, I'd feed the bugger only from my own hand and have him sit and then wait for every scrap of it. He'd never live to see food which wasn't allowed directly from 'The Hand of GOD'. Because ye Are 'God' to ye Dogs. They have to recognise that fact.


Other than that, it's exactly as Socks has said and you're travelling the road to hell by letting him get away with any such behaviour. The short, sharp burst of mind jarring aggression from your part may well be the simpler solution. If he tried that shit with a dominant Dog, he'd simply get a pounding till he rolled on his back. Then he'd know his place in the order of things and be a happier Dog.


What ever ye choose to do; Start doing it as this evenings feed time. And check out what ever other 'usual' methods ye may wish to instigate to gain proper control. The usual stuff; You go through doors before him. Feed before him. He NEVER lays in ye doorways. Lots of stuff like that. Get studying :good:

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this needs to be nipped in the bud soonest as it is obviously a potentialy dangerouse situation when you have a dog that food guards especially if there were ever kids about ... but also he may well become aggresive and guard any prey he may catch and will bite you rather than give up his hard caught bunny ... there are 2 ways to cure this one sharp quick the other the gentler and longer ... number 1 put the dogs food down and then try and go near it if the dog growls then you must take the dominant stance and grab him by the scruff and pin him to the floor telling him off in the lowest voice you can manage ... do not let him go untill he submits ... he will then know you are in charge and if you want to take his food or anything else you can whenever and wherever you want .... the other option is to feed only a tiny amount of food at a time so that the dog soon learns that when you aproach his food bowl it is not to steal his food but to give him more ... in this way he associates the aproach to his food bowl as a good thing ... however this wont cure what i believe is thge underlaying factor here and that is that the pup is trying to dominate you and the family ... if it was my pup i would be using option number one and letting him know that he is at the bottom of the pecking order and thats where he will stay no matter how old or big he gets .........

Socks, that is exactly what i did!! When he did it to me, lol. He yelped and cryed, i have always done that to my dogs, rather than hit them or show hand, as this is the treatment his mother would have given him. Last night when i fed him, he never made a sound when i went near him. I was hoping it had gone forever, but only time can tell, thanks guys for yourquick response, its good to know there are a few helpers out there, and that it turns out that we are all on the same wave length, thanks again/..

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Hope youve got this sorted mate. And you have had some cracking advice above.


We had a similar problem with our EBT. When he was about 3/4 months old he started growling if we got near his food bowl when he was eating. So straight away we got him by the scruff, dragged him away and took his food off him. Then about 5 times while he was eating just took the bowl off him.


I know that within a couple of weeks i could put my hand in his bowl and take food from his mouth while he was eating without a problem.



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Hope youve got this sorted mate. And you have had some cracking advice above.


We had a similar problem with our EBT. When he was about 3/4 months old he started growling if we got near his food bowl when he was eating. So straight away we got him by the scruff, dragged him away and took his food off him. Then about 5 times while he was eating just took the bowl off him.


I know that within a couple of weeks i could put my hand in his bowl and take food from his mouth while he was eating without a problem.



Sorted Gaz, just fed the lad and not a murmour!! Nearly killed the unlucky bloke last night, pinned him down so hard by the scruff, till he couldnt yelp no more. He ate his tea and then came straight to me for a love. Tonight he didnt bat an eyelid, hope it is over. Also i observed while i was out today when i gave him a chew for coming back and sitting down, he sat in front of me and chewed away, so i thought lets have a look. He let me roll him over as if playing, and i went for the chew with my mouth, he just played back and you would never have believed that he has that protective streak in him, strange . Cheers for the advice people.


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