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what kit ????

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Guest remmy
just a quick question. What kit do you take when you go out stalking?


rifle, binos, stix, dog, phone, knife,deer sling or roe sack,range finder and anything that floats ya boat mate, travel light makes life easy. :thumbs:

Edited by remmy
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just a quick question. What kit do you take when you go out stalking?


rifle, binos, stix, dog, phone, knife,deer sling or roe sack,range finder and anything that floats ya boat mate, travel light makes life easy. :thumbs:


chears for that remmy

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I started deer stalking the very best thing I ever did was invest in a superb pair of bins - Swarovski SLC's in 7x42. I am truly amazed at how much more I see due to their higher contrast and sharpness. You seem to be able to peer into heavily dhaded areas and spot those tell-tale parts of a deer that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.


Other than that, I travel as light as possible in silent full cammo clothing (ex-army DPM)- with knife, mobile, pouch with spare ammo, and something to drag the deer with - although I'm just about to invest in a Roesack having got fed up of dragging deer for 3/4 mile uphill back to the car!


Best whishes



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You dont need alot even tho it sounds alot to take like said. A roesack is great but get pockets on it as it frees space in the pockets of your clothes for movement & the gear is all in 1 place. You only need rifle,ammo,bins,dog etc as knife i carry 2-3 linner i have 2 etc in the sack. I also carry a head torch & some bright orange cord 1" wide to use to mark blood trail etc so its easy to back track & find as i dont always have a dog with me & my best find yet some baby-wipes for hands etc.

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You dont need alot even tho it sounds alot to take like said. A roesack is great but get pockets on it as it frees space in the pockets of your clothes for movement & the gear is all in 1 place. You only need rifle,ammo,bins,dog etc as knife i carry 2-3 linner i have 2 etc in the sack. I also carry a head torch & some bright orange cord 1" wide to use to mark blood trail etc so its easy to back track & find as i dont always have a dog with me & my best find yet some baby-wipes for hands etc.


listen mate i've read your previous post and i don't think the baby wipes are for your mate :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling: DIRTY SOD :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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