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my first squirrel

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a big thanks goes out to mole trapper for my first squirrel job,

my work on the underground, tends to get me doing mouse/rat and pidgeon control, and also these in private jobs, mole trapper kindly passed my details to a customer living in london, with a squirrel, nesting and chewing up their attic,


after setting traps and a couple of cups of coffee, we heard the familiar "snap" and had caught the mum, on inspection of the nest, only one youngster was found,





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I and the customer could see where they were gaining access, a very hard place to get to :wallbash: luckerly the guy had a "polish" builder as a tennant, so the attic was due a bit of tlc, as there was quite a bit of damage from "mum"

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Nice one mate........!


Just to really cheer you up........i had a similar job last season and cage trapped the mother in the roof and caught two youngsters as well.

A few days later i was called back as the client could hear noises behind the fascia boards.......to cut a long story very short i took another four kits from the roof space.........so be prepared :laugh:



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for those that have not read all my posts.


did a job last year , cought the female straight a way , was then having problems getting the babys in traps .


so me up in loft , with lamp , and jill ferret , with collar and line. my mate stood out side with the air rifle, and shot what came out.


the jill made short work of the young , with me being able to gently pull her back to me with each baby .



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