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Lost staff bitch.....

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Just read this thread and i feel for you mate, I really do. I used to be a dog warden so know they do turn up. As others have mentioned try the dog warden and keep on at them, also try local vets, police and kennels, also keep your eyes peeled evening and morning when the new "owner" could be walking her. Leaflets and posters also work, I lost a dog a few years ago wiho had lost her collar but she was picked up at the roadside and the person saw a poster and returned her. Good luck.

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mate, iv been everywhere. My auntie walks the same stretch of woods twice a day where we used to take her for her local walks. shes seen nothing or heard nothing from her. Shes not the type of dog to do that, she would have come back. Theres nothing else i can do atm, just sit by the phone waiting for a phone call.

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Well thoughts are with you mate.


I know its a long shot but im checking everywhere i can think on the internet for staffys found or for sale in the leeds area matching your dogs description.


Ive been told in the past that pages like this are where alot of 'found' dogs get advertised for sale.




So keep looking people.

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My friend lost her saluki dog and he was gone for 2 weeks!


Don't just give up and sit by the phone waiting. Sorry to be harsh but if you want your dog back you need to get out there and look, knock on doors etc.


In the two weeks Teddy was missing there were hardly any sightings but we got him back, I was on the search when he was found. People were out every day in different areas looking for him and not giving up!

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Staffy do you know who the local smegheads are? i'll bet any money mate that some dirty junkie has/had your dog and is waiting for the fuss to die down before trying to sell it on to buy his shite.I wouldn't give up hope mate,and i bet the dog is still local. :thumbs:

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Alright again lads, i know every scum bag/ smack head in the whole area as my family is rather large etc. i have no doubt she is in the local vacinity but it's just wether they get her away before i get to them. Theres not been one sighting of her so far. So if she hasn't been knocked over and gone to die in local woods ( touch wood she hasn't) some little c**t has got her locked up. Just keeping my fingers crossed and hope the little bugger comes back now. Im still out looking all the time and so is rest of the family.

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Don't want to piss on your chips matey....but....if the RSPCA has the dog i doubt if they would ever admit to it. I know of cases (that were settled out of court!) where a hunting dog was "handed in" and they denied all knowledge. My advice would be to send someone round and have a look at the admissions book. (if they have one).

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