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My collie grey is a sensitive type but one thing i have noticed is she is very good at finding her way back. She has never shown any signs of panic, it's mostly me showing the signs :laugh:

I think if maybe like humans if the panic sets in then the thought process can go to pot, one of my old dogs used to run around like a headless chicken if i was out of site for too long.

At least you won't have any trouble with her buggering off, it can be a problem keeping mine nearby.

Shepp :thumbs:

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well if your poaching mate a dog that doesnt come back is a liability , or if it keeps getting lost ,what do you do let it keep getting lost you sure your dogs not saying fech you ille take my time and ile come back maybe when im ready, had that before , and a dog that looses its bearing well what if .a keeper or police man finds it or bailiffe would you be happy your dog wondering away willy nilly cause he or she cant find its way back i wouldnt , you sure she isnt just playing up as some do till the penny drops or they get dropped , i never says get rid but if i kept losing or she kept losing me i would get kinda fed up now for rabbits thats fine but for qaury that runs three mayb four feilds in daylight not so good or on a moon running three feilds on a roe , at nite whatever , kinda find it hard to have a dog that keeps losing her bearings, my mate had a bitch he was huntinfg fifty miles from home he lost it ,it got caught between a coyote trap but she had made her way home ,ive lost dogs but always found them back were i begun a bit sore and bloody sometimes and well not the best situation some times , msybe your dog has no sense of direction like lots of things in life if you like her put up with her , mate

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well if your poaching mate a dog that doesnt come back is a liability , or if it keeps getting lost ,what do you do let it keep getting lost you sure your dogs not saying fech you ille take my time and ile come back maybe when im ready, had that before , and a dog that looses its bearing well what if .a keeper or police man finds it or bailiffe would you be happy your dog wondering away willy nilly cause he or she cant find its way back i wouldnt , you sure she isnt just playing up as some do till the penny drops or they get dropped , i never says get rid but if i kept losing or she kept losing me i would get kinda fed up now for rabbits thats fine but for qaury that runs three mayb four feilds in daylight not so good or on a moon running three feilds on a roe , at nite whatever , kinda find it hard to have a dog that keeps losing her bearings, my mate had a bitch he was huntinfg fifty miles from home he lost it ,it got caught between a coyote trap but she had made her way home ,ive lost dogs but always found them back were i begun a bit sore and bloody sometimes and well not the best situation some times , msybe your dog has no sense of direction like lots of things in life if you like her put up with her , mate


saying feck you ??? coming back when she feels like it ??? taking her time :laugh::laugh::laugh: whin if you seen this bitch and how inteligent and obedient she was you would know just how rediculouse those statements are ... she would make your dogs look like retards :D .... now lets get things into perspective ... this bitch doesnt chase a rabbit and then get lost :laugh: .... what i am saying is if she ends up on a long course and a fair way away from me she struggles to get her bearings ... however a quick peep on the whistle and she homes straight in .....


whin i dont need to worry about gamekeepers police bailiffs or even the pope i have hundereds of thousands of acres to hunt over ... and if i did need to poach as i said i only need to give a quick peep on my whistle to get her back ......


i dont see it as putting up with anything ... whats there to put up with ??? it makes no difference to her hunting style or ability ... and believe me whin even the last of the great poachers like you would not get rid of this bitch if you seen her out doing her job ... then again you probably would because nobody could possibly have dogs as good as you could they .........


WHIN KING OF THE POACHERS :clapper::clapper::clapper: .............

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well what the big problem if she comes back to your little dog whistle , i used to have one when we trained spaneils many years ago one peep for stop two for fetch and several for a quick retreive , great thing these little whistles , any time you want to come up for a run your welcome maybe help to get your dog to find its way back ahah get it a nav finder ahah intelengent and obeident doesnt make it a good catch dog or good at finding her way home , bring the little bitch up youll have fun i to have lots of permiss but no big deal , if you cant see your bitch how do you no what she is up to use must be telepathic ahah, ive saw lots of good and great dogs mate some owned some fellow dog men ,i to have collie crosses but keep handy saluk crosses .maybe we could have a hunt a beer and a feed we maybe have fun ,but if thats your dogs bad piont dont fret especaily if you have thousands of acres to hunt whatever hear in scotland its getting harder to hunt whatever cheers

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Well here is my two bits, If my dogs do not come find me when out and about after a run or any thing I send them on to greener pastures were they can be as retarded as they like. There are two many dogs to be wasteing hunting time looking for a dog that is not keen on being your hunting partner. All my dogs come back no matter how far away they ran. If I have to go find them It is there last hunting trip.

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Well here is my two bits, If my dogs do not come find me when out and about after a run or any thing I send them on to greener pastures were they can be as retarded as they like. There are two many dogs to be wasteing hunting time looking for a dog that is not keen on being your hunting partner. All my dogs come back no matter how far away they ran. If I have to go find them It is there last hunting trip.


send them on to greener pastures LOL ... if you seen this bitch working the only place you would want to send her is to your kennel ... its not that the bitch doesnt want to come back its just that NOW AND AGAIN she seems to lose all sense of direction ..........

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Well here is my two bits, If my dogs do not come find me when out and about after a run or any thing I send them on to greener pastures were they can be as retarded as they like. There are two many dogs to be wasteing hunting time looking for a dog that is not keen on being your hunting partner. All my dogs come back no matter how far away they ran. If I have to go find them It is there last hunting trip.


send them on to greener pastures LOL ... if you seen this bitch working the only place you would want to send her is to your kennel ... its not that the bitch doesnt want to come back its just that NOW AND AGAIN she seems to lose all sense of direction ..........


I bet you wished you'd never said anything now Socks :laugh:

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Guest markbrick1

it took me 12 hrs last yr to get back from nottingham :laugh: in 2001 i went to wigan and ended up near penzance and i live in truro,so i went south instead of north,what iam saying is some people havnt got a good sence of direction so why can some of our canine freinds not be the same,mark

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