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Going to buy a new .22LR. Any advice? Been advised not get 10/22 or Remmie 597. CZ 511 seems an option? Looking now at Marlin 795 or 60 in stainless. So many opinions - I want an out of box semi auto rimfire for less than £300. Ok - accuracy, reliability, handling, ease of use - over to you!


Thanks, Jed

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Going to buy a new .22LR. Any advice? Been advised not get 10/22 or Remmie 597. CZ 511 seems an option? Looking now at Marlin 795 or 60 in stainless. So many opinions - I want an out of box semi auto rimfire for less than £300. Ok - accuracy, reliability, handling, ease of use - over to you!


Thanks, Jed


hI Jed , Why not a Ruger 10/22? had one for years, gave me no problems :victory: ----- ok .the odd jam if you use cheap and nasty ammo ( sub sonic ), but all self loaders will suffer from this problem. i did my own experiments with ammo in sub- sinics and found winchester or eley were best for accuracy and gave no jamming. There are so many ruger 10/22 models about that it is fairly easy to pick up a good used model for about £200 if needed,also other than the action there is a whole bundle of custom parts you can buy seperately( see fimfire magic )high velosity rounds dont normally cause a problem with jamming, just find the most accurate for the rifle you have.. This is only my opinion , but why is the 10/22 the best selling self loader EVER, and also the most custermised?? :clapper:

Hope This Helps Mate..


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Yeah 10/22 is the dogs bollocks, we are not allowed semi's anymore over here, but you will not go past the Ruger. Had a Marlin "Glenfield' and it was great also, very accurate. Sub's will never be real successful in a semi, just not enough gas to reload.

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Hi iv had my 10/22 for over 3 years now and mine cycles winchester super x subs with no probs the only time it plays up is if i dont clean it properly a bit of wd on the bolt slider sorts that then i can rattle of all night with no jams :victory:


sportsmans gun centre do the stainless black synthetic for £251



Edited by arcpest
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Going to buy a new .22LR. Any advice? Been advised not get 10/22 or Remmie 597. CZ 511 seems an option? Looking now at Marlin 795 or 60 in stainless. So many opinions - I want an out of box semi auto rimfire for less than £300. Ok - accuracy, reliability, handling, ease of use - over to you!


Thanks, Jed



Doesn't work that way with semis, they all cause more grief than bolt, but the 10-22 has a wide choice and massive aftermarket and custom parts availability...it's just the way to go really!! :thumbs::thumbs:

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i have just got a cz semi auto 22rf secound hand for £150 put a scope on it came with to mags x8 and a mod great little gun have put 250 subs shots thought it have not cleaned it yet still going fine will let you all know what happens when it james and how many shots

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I own a ruger 10/22 it has a heavy match barrel and has had the mods done i.e. extractor ,recoil buffer and trigger. I love it and find it great for plinking and is a serious bunny basher. It also cyles winnie subs fine without stoppages.

Edited by optelic2
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What is the reason you want a semi in preferance to a bolt action ?, I have both and to be honest i am rapidly coming to the conclusion that i may soon part with the semi, it is a fully tricked SYSS special 10/22, i strip and clean it every 50 rounds, but to be fair my cheapy old CZ will out shoot it everytime, and with no stopages ever, no matter what you feed it.


Regards MT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just bought an old BRNO 581 semi in .22 lr scoped it up yesterday and zeroed it in today. Cost a massive 120 of her majestys. 10 mins and 20 rounds later it will drill bunnies all day and night :yes:

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You really can't beat the CZ bolt actions for a bunny gun, they shoot straight, they're reliable, they're cheap and they're not really ammo fussy. In all honesty, what more can you really ask for?!



Amen to that... and i had a fully customised volquartsen 10/22 with all the bells and whistles.

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