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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:laugh: Say what ye like, mate! Think anything someone might say about me would bother me? :laugh:


And by ye own criteria of me " Twisting ", so then is your opposite number in this. Dawn B has asked 'us' for proof. I was simply turning that around and asking the same. So it looks like both camps consider the other to be on a loser? Fine.


Now, if ye really wish to " Leave it at that ", perhaps myself, and anyone else simply interested in comparing personal notes on a subject which only seems to rial a couple of people on this entire forum, can just get on with it?


When ever the subject of non native cats in britain is raised here, I've never yet seen Anyone ask for those who'd feel a need to denounce the subject to come crashing in and do so. There are entire web sites out there to vent ones spleen against those of us who wish to discuss such posibilities.


Oh; But then My handle only appears on this one ..... Smacks of the 'Personal'.


What ever.

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seen one. blackcat puma/panther dalby hill louth lincs few years back.nearly ran it over, had witness sat next to me. mate of mine got a game farm not far from this area, no reports of stock kills but he was telling me some circus type bloke wintered over that way so who knows. i was once a non believer because of proof etc but i no what i seen.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Drops; Ye've gone from personal insults to personal 'veiled threats'. Now ye twisting. Why not just run along and start a whole Thread of ye own, saying what ye claim people have said about me - get it off ye chest and expose ye self to a wider audience for what ye making yeself appear here - and let others just get on with harmlessly chatting about a subject You patently have no interest in? Hmm?


As ye only ever appear to respond to My comments on this subject. Insult Me. Suggest ye in some way capable of hurting Me with alleged, second hand gossip? Fine. I really don't know what ye find so challenging in me. But yes; Go ahead and get it All off ye chest, eh?


Go to General and stamp ye little feet about me there.


Only for gods sake grow the f*ck up and stop Trolling this Thread? There's a good boy ;)

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Guest manda

I find DS one of the most helpfull on this site, and never judges or has a go at anyone asking for advice :good: I just need to really get my brain into gear when reading one of his posts as he uses alot of big words lol



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Why don't you find the poo? Obviously someone comes along and empties the litter tray. Seriously though I would'nt recognise lion/puma/leopard/lynx /etc poo unless i saw it popping in a feotid, steamy heap from a dilated Felis s bum. What we need is for one of old Jonny Kingdoms pet boarlets to be knocked over on infra-red camera by a fine specimen of felis concolour or such !. Sure DS and others will be able to help with a question I've had in my head for some years. "The Aldrich Spring Activated snare" I've never seen one so don't have a clue how big an animal it can cope with. It is approved for use in this country for use against "large,non-indiginous carnivores" .Is it just for escaped zoo and circus animals or does the Government know something we don't ?

Edited by comanche
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I saw a puma in Lincolnshire in the late 90's, I know what I saw at close range in daylight and I also beleive there are a FEW escaped exotics out there but I also believe a large number of "sightings" are of dogs, domestic cats, deer etc etc.............


How many times must we hear "wheres the proof", yet the same calls carry on when the proof is shown???? The fact is that some exotic cats have been physically caught (FACT), a puma in Invernesshire, Swamp cats in Hampshire, Lynx in Suffolk and Northen Ireland. These are not myths or peoples imagination but cold hard proof... The non believers will always be non-believers regardless of any proof offered and those who do believe in the exotic creatures roaming our land will remain just as stalwart in their beliefs................

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I saw a puma in Lincolnshire in the late 90's, I know what I saw at close range in daylight and I also beleive there are a FEW escaped exotics out there but I also believe a large number of "sightings" are of dogs, domestic cats, deer etc etc.............


How many times must we hear "wheres the proof", yet the same calls carry on when the proof is shown???? The fact is that some exotic cats have been physically caught (FACT), a puma in Invernesshire, Swamp cats in Hampshire, Lynx in Suffolk and Northen Ireland. These are not myths or peoples imagination but cold hard proof... The non believers will always be non-believers regardless of any proof offered and those who do believe in the exotic creatures roaming our land will remain just as stalwart in their beliefs................

Yeh ,The Scottish puma,Age& condition predicted from tracks before it was captured ,The IOW cats killed in a poultry run,several" jungle cat "RTA's, a clouded leopard(I think) from Aspinalls zoo that lived rough for nearly a year before it was shot for sheep-killing ---these things have been witnessed and recorded. Of course the Isle of Sheppey ear-eating ,sheep killer apparently turned out to be a saluki. Thirty years ago people derided the rumours of wild boar in this country!

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Friend of ours a good well known greyhound breeder from stone had a 3/4 grown dog pup nealy dragged out of its run.

the cat had to jump 8 feet with the dog to get back out but dropped it.the vet confirmed by the marks left on the poor dog that it couldnt be done by anything but a large cat.

dog recovered but was no good for the race game after that.

lots of sightings round shropshire so keep em peeled.

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