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Guest manda

Hi dawn, my male is a full bengal and maybe because he's only ever in the house or in the garden for a pee or shat, he's not had the chance to be wild or an outdoor cat (and no he doesnt get the chance to kill small/medium/large birds, the wild sparrow hawk does that, to those he gave me grief last time for having a cat!), but dont like been fussed over he'll bite or scratch if people try and pet him up, he has to come to you if he wants attention. But if there's any catches on the top of the ferret cage he likes to have a sniff and and a nibble on it. He's about 15" tts same size as my terrier pup, so not small lol

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I think i might look that book up , and theres another you mentioned it a while ago DS , 'the unatural wildlife of britain' or something similar , I duly googled it and drew a blank I'll try this guy I've bought a fair few books from him over ebay am sure he had a stand at lowther!


Just tried to google it; all I came up with was some actor by the same name........going to have to spend the weekend digging that bloody book out now!


It might be called Mistary of the Big Cat or something like that. Like I said its a 70's book. Any big old book shop should be able to search the authors name on the ISBN lists.......


http://www.isbn.nu/aisbn/shuker%20karl%20p%20n/ This is some of his books, but the one I'm talking about isn't there. More research me thinks....................

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
theres another you mentioned it a while ago DS , 'the unatural wildlife of britain' or something similar , I duly googled it and drew a blank



I know, mate. I too searched high and low for that bloody title - total blank! I obviously remembered a simplified form of the title. It was probably something more 'correct and proper' than that? " Non Native " or some damn thing. They had it in North End library. First wall on the left. Bottom couple of shelves in the first bay. That's how clearly I remember it. But then, this was probably about thirty five plus years ago :icon_eek:


Cracking little book. Hard back. Gave the full details of what was where. How they reckon (officially) it came to get there. What it was, or had been up to and what was last known to have become of it. Porcupines stick in my mind to this day. Of all creatures, I found it astonishing to think there could be porcupines out there. Thoroughly well recorded fact, as it happens.

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Cheers TSA , read something called the beasts that hide from man but im sure that was in a Arthur C Clarke book, which is also the same book that stemmed my interest in the possibility of ABC's in the UK.


Not read that but I'll have a look out for a copy. I've read and talked to many about this subject; I'm not a true believer or anything like that; quite open on the whole subject. Don't hold any sway with these guys who talk about black panthers and the like, the x files consprosy theorists; but if you take a pragmatic view its very interesting. Harry and this Shuker guy were seriously knowlegable but without being stupid star gazers if you catch my drift? Much of what you read (even from other hunters) is just B.S but the truth about the possibility, the way their genetics work etc is very interesting; and the pshycology of the animals too; it explains a lot.


DS; its Karl P N Shuker, if you want to do a search at all.

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I think ill just keep trying ebay, sounded like a good read! Yeah its amazing to think whats managed to survive in our country with totally different climates and diets then they would be used to. Isn't there a colony of rat snakes somewhere in Wales, now I reckon if one of my black rat snakes got out over the winter it'd wouldn't stand a chance of surviving yet these buggers in Wales aren't just existing they're a breeding colony!

Thats not a bad idea Manda mate :clapper:

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Guest manda

I had a 5.5ft cali king snake Bally and i was wondering if you would be able to put them down a hole to flush rabbits out??? Yes everybody i am a bit tapped in the head, i blame it on the kids lol



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Guest Ditch_Shitter
DS; its Karl P N Shuker, if you want to do a search at all.



Long since done, mate. Here. Sadly, I didn't see a listing of this particular books title. Granted, I was in IMS conversation so a little distracted and just scanning. I'll get back to it presently.


Black Leopards? No. Me niether. I did read, relatively recently, how a leopard was sighted in some city in India, or somewhere. They thought it a bit rich, having a leopard in the midst of the urban enviroment. So they set traps to catch the thing. Caught half a dozen or more!


Rather makes a monkey out of all this " They'd be seen / all over the roads " argument. But I'm not bothered about that. I rely on the rather more concrete, empirical Fact that leopards, even captive ones with no rival predators to worry about, still carry on their genetic inherritance of dragging their kills up trees.


I'm sorry but, untill I'm shown a british countryside where roe deer, sheep and Dogs are to be found up trees and baring quantifiable signs of having been killed and put there by a leopard, I can't bring myself to accept the idea that these cats are Panthera panthera, regardless of coat colour.


Shuker, as far as I'm aware, presents a much simpler and acceptable case. One which I've personally had good evidence of. I have no problems with my own take on things. But leopards? Nah.

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