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mashed up rabbit!!!

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im stumped. every time i give my ferrets a fresh rabbit the next day i go out to check on them they allways seem to gauge one half of the rabbits face lol does anyone elses ferrets do something simular to this >? wb will98

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im stumped. every time i give my ferrets a fresh rabbit the next day i go out to check on them they allways seem to gauge one half of the rabbits face lol does anyone elses ferrets do something simular to this >? wb will98



My ones always go for the eyes and tongue first for sum reason then eat the skin around the face and legs then the ribs. all im left with is teeth jaws etc and a few bones and about a qurter of the meat left on the rabbit. weird but hey

Edited by wabbithunter_15
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im stumped. every time i give my ferrets a fresh rabbit the next day i go out to check on them they allways seem to gauge one half of the rabbits face lol does anyone elses ferrets do something simular to this >? wb will98



My ones always go for the eyes and tongue first for sum reason then eat the skin around the face and legs then the ribs. weird but hey

lol ino ferrets have some kinda weired routine lol

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to be honest im mostly a dry feeder as i dont have the time really to go out hunting as much as i would like but i have stopped for the summer so i can only get pigeons my uncle shoots realy and its rare he has time to go out.

well i go out all thorugh the year but i usually feed my dry food but if i get some i will give them a rabbit or 2 :victory:

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