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I'm Steviesun. 24. Female.



There's a long story about me and hunting and I guess if I'm going to tell it anywhere on this forum it had better me here rather than cluttering up anywhere else.


When I was younger I was very anti-hunting. I was swayed by all the anti-hunting stuff I saw. Then I went to boarding school. It was when Labour got into power so I guess hunting with hounds was on the minds of my friends who were involved in hunting. I got into lots of discussions with them about it. IN the end I left that school converted to a middle ground. I was converted to the point that I realised both sides had something to say and I was happy to try and convert other anti-hunt people to listen to people who hunt.


I didn't really think about it again until I started going out with a bloke who refused to accept that I was vegie because I didn't like meat (still fussy, but mostly in that I like my meat free range). The first meats he converted me to were things like pheasant, and he was eager to get me to try as much as possible. I got into the whole trying eating different kinds of animals thing. Well at the time my OH was living on an estate where the owners lived most of the time in spain so weren't bothed/didn't know if he helped himself to a few of the many rabbits there. I learnt a bit about skinning rabbits from this time, and through my studies in archaeology got into studying hide working in the past as well.


So from there we ended up living somewhere else (so no more easy rabbits) because the estate was sold. And then we ended up moving again because we found ourselves the proud owners of a lurcher pup. Watching my boy and learning about the breeds that make up his mix has helped convert me. And my OH is a blade and tool smith who specialises in knives who loves researching about his favourite subject and what makes a good knife for a job good. This led him to join BASC for a couple of years. I would pore though the magazine with interest and learnt a lot about the positive things that came about because of people hunting.


And now my hound has run off several times after deer, and I've learnt that most of his family have done in the past, I've come to the realisation that the thing in the world that will probably make him happiest is the chance to do the job his kind were bred for - hunting. So I have been pointed in this direction by people on both LurcherLink and Dogsey. And so I am finally here. I come with all my ignorance and hope to learn.


And there is my story as to why I'm here. If you're still reading?

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