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  staffy-1 said:
I live ten minutes drive from dewsbury, some of my extended family live in the mans street where shannon was. Iv kept out of it all till now because i knew the truth was going to come out but i didn't want to blurt it all over the internet like a looney. That's why shannon has not been returned to her mum, it was all a money making scheme by some very sick people.



did you know from the beginning? if not when did you know and did you make the authorities aware?


also I seem to remember lots of posts on the forum saying how bad it was that this family had not received the same coverage or help as the McCanns.

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Absolutley pathetic family next time some innocent kid go`s missing the first thing people are going to think is this a wind up or what. Fecking warped people in this world and to think of all that money spend to conduct that search that could of went toward`s other thing`s . Feel sorry for the kid`s haven`t got a clue what`s going on don`t people like that boil your piss :wallbash: . FV

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what was this all about? I assume it was a "poor" kid was supposedly snatched from her bedroom (similar to that Madelaine McCann in Ibiza or whatever) but because it was not a "rich" kid, the media ignored it? And that now it was found to be untrue? Did they at least find the kid safe and sound?

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Here you go wife........http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1312465,00.html......its the main headline for the last 2 weeks in the UK :big_boss:



Very bizarre story :blink:


A girl goes missing, the mother reports it £5million is spent looking, the mothers boyfriend is nicked for child porn, then his uncle is nicked with the kid thats missing......then the mother was going to run of with the uncle who is nicked with the kid, money supposedly applied for from the maddie fund......then it turns out a lot of people are in on a scam and they knew where the kid was all the time...... :blink:

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jeez what will people think of next? I was talking to Kye yesterday what lengths people will go to in order to be "famous", it is frightening to think about what the future holds for the "typical" kid out there

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So if your round it all up in dollars $10 million for the search, with the mother in nick and the pedo boyfriend in nick as well at a average $1400 dollars a week, not counting the 7 kids in care and the case is still on going and the court case not even started.....


And guess who's paying for this bird brained scam.... us :thumbdown:

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