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What the f**k have this family been up to?Shannons mother has now been arrested for "perverting the course of justice" and theres speculation that its concerning Shannons dissappearance being an elaborate hoax,in order to get money.While i refuse to buy into the tabloid drivel of rumours,the plot seems to thicken everyday.I for one swallowed this story as being genuine,and now its seems its anything but :censored:

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Guest manda

Its defo been a hoax, the mother had apparently been to see shannon at the flet where she was kept?! Its all back fired now, she's lost her kids and any money they have been paid will all have to be given back. The prob thought it was a good idea because of the amount of money the McCanns have made.

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two thing i found strange whilst i was watching the documentary of the family the media made " dont know if anyone remembers it ? " they recorded the aftermath of the dissapearance & the moment she was found.


one comment made by family members & that "auntie" the one that was arrested who lived next store was that they were upset & pissed off by the fact that no money was sent in to finance the search for shannon, & why did the mc cann appeal generate so much donations ?


& secondly the way they were slagging the media off for sticking around after she was found when they helped with publicity ?

her words were " why cant they f**k off !..

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I live ten minutes drive from dewsbury, some of my extended family live in the mans street where shannon was. Iv kept out of it all till now because i knew the truth was going to come out but i didn't want to blurt it all over the internet like a looney. That's why shannon has not been returned to her mum, it was all a money making scheme by some very sick people.


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