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What is going wrong.

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A few of you might know that main man has just got him self a couple of larsen traps, but aint having much luck with catching, the birds are about and getting close but just wont go in this is the closest that they come . he got them baited up, any ideas on why he aint catching ?????



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well I don't know. :hmm:

It might have something to do with all those gulls about - disrupting the behaviour

Or might be because it's on the bales ? I've never put one up that high - try it on the floor right up against the bales.

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he put the trap up there because the lambs keep setting the trap off.

Place the larsen trap just out from and under a tree if you can..........it is too high up where it is.........corvids are looking to find carrion on the ground........its more natural. If lambs are a problem then wrap and stake sheep netting around the trap.



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i am not going to say whats right and wrong mate just what works for me,

get a call bird from a different area than your working in.

put trap under a tree where there is a nest,or along a hedge.

make sure call bird always has clean water,and food i use rabbit,doc,or dog food

also sprinkle some bread on and around trap.i never put anythingin the catch side(sides)

if i dont catch anything in a day and a half two max i move the trap,sometimes only 100 yards.

you have been given some good advice above just try some hope it works out for you.

thanks daz,

ps ive caught one within the hour of moving trap so dont be worried about moving it,hope this helps

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I agree with the comments about under trees. I gave up on eggs in mine today and had a call bird off a mate. Put it in at 12 noon and had two catches by 4pm.


Watching them there were 4 gathering in the trees and this one right above the trap in particular.


Edited by john b
Edited to say just checked and there's a third one on.
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A few of you might know that main man has just got him self a couple of larsen traps, but aint having much luck with catching, the birds are about and getting close but just wont go in this is the closest that they come . he got them baited up, any ideas on why he aint catching ?????




personally , i would leave it as is and have a bit of patience, its up a hight and theres a bird sat on the top , which is a start, its still early enuff in the year yet

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