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Louis Theroux on hunting

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Guest dog on

its a lockem up feedem up shootem up hunting programme they should give the hunters a spear and send them to get a lion and see how many would spend there money to do that

Edited by dog on
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Guest dog on
  wingshooter said:
Dumb americans.Stupid B*tch using a crossbow.


I dont regard hunting as sitting in a hide on a farm, and then waiting next to man built watering hole waiting for,well basically farm animals .Then again it probbaly does not appeal to me as im not a mental defected american or some old slapper with crossbow LOL

wingshooter i have read some of the things you write about the only diference in my opinion betwen you and them is your not american Edited by dog on
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Only switched on at the bit where Louis was in the hide deciding on whether or not to pull the trigger....it looked like he was aiming at semi-tame animals feeding out of troughs and eating hay? Did i get that bit right? Seemed a little unsporting with not much hunting involved?


Anyway...........iv'e seen some of his programmes before, he does seem to be a clever enough fellow...........seems to make peole make themselve look like pricks very easily.............but then again, maybe some people don't need much help.

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Guest ragumup

Its doesn't appeal to me bit like shooting roe deer is like shooting sheep to me but each to their own, thats why hunting with dogs been banned here ,

Anyway at the end the program he showed what a hypocrite most people are when he said ill eat the meat but i wont kill the animal :whistling:

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Guest ragumup
  dog on said:
  wingshooter said:
Dumb americans.Stupid B*tch using a crossbow.


I dont regard hunting as sitting in a hide on a farm, and then waiting next to man built watering hole waiting for,well basically farm animals .Then again it probbaly does not appeal to me as im not a mental defected american or some old slapper with crossbow LOL

wingshooter i have read som of the things you write about the only diference betwen you and them is your not american


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Guest dog on
  wingshooter said:
If you eat the animal then why not kill it?

It was just like shooting farm animals which is pointless.


Dog on I have also read some of the crap you write like how you bragg about bieng on benifits and not having to work why everyone else pays for you.

did i say that or DID YOU READ IT WRONG you wet behind the ears hyprocite what i wrote was i keep some of you on here buisy meaning keepers and water bailifs Edited by dog on
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well i thought it was a bit boring really shooting an animal from point blank range is just.... well unsporting or perhaps a easy

its like hunting with dogs on horse back i find that abit boring to be honest but its not my place to say its boring... just airing my views. some of you may agree some of you my disagree. but back to topic if the where not for hunting the animals would have been gone. i believe to hunt to eat i think it gives you a primal sort of hunter gather feeling when you can say this meal i have provided became of me hunting it. but these are just my views what do you make of them? all the best :thumbs:

Edited by new2hunting
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Guest dog on
  wingshooter said:
Ha Ha!!!! im the hyprocite?


Try getting an education or job and stop sending me loads of emails asking for my number.

its your fantasy world imagine what you will i think thats been tried befor like i said \\still wet behind the ears// Edited by dog on
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Guest oldskool

i didnt think there was much in the way of hunting done in it... the lad who had is little girl shooting in it made the comment that when he was a lad if he managed to shoot 1 deer in 3 months then he was doin well... now you can shoot 3 deer in one day in these reserves where the animals are fenced in!! on the other hand i wasnt against it... if folk think they are being hunters by driving up to a deer whilst its standing lookin at them and shooting it then thats there problem... the meat was used for the local villages and some of the species that were shot would have been made extinct due to poaching, or so i gathered??? if all that was said was true then the rare species should be made safe again???

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I saw it on a documentary recently where a rich westerner (maybe American or German) paid maybe £50 000 to shoot an elephant in some African country where elephants occasionally needed to be culled.


The hunter got the trophy kill of lifetime.


The government got the money.


The local tribes, who lived a nomadic lifestyle got to strip the carcase - it showed kids carrying of lumps of trunk, old women with buckets of blood and entrails - nothing was wasted - everyone was a winner..........except maybe for that particular elephant.


I thought that documentary came across ok - different to the n ews reports of poachers shooting endangered rhinos etc, sawing off their nose horns and leaving them to rot?

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