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Snaring, trapping or hunting without permission

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I can understand your frustration at having no permissions, I truly can. I didn't just walk into mine, I had to work hard at it and was turned down more often than not. Luckily my inlaws have 4 acres, this includes a tiny wood, and a large paddock. So here I can try out my traps and so on.


The whole point of this post was, if you tell me that you have no permission to shoot/hunt/fish, and I give advice to you, I might also be breaking the law. Maybe, maybe not, but I am not willing to risk it. If it gets around that I am aiding and abetting poachers in anyway, I too might have no permissions. I have already said that this is not personal, and is in no way aimed at any individual, (altough some like to take it personally).


If I ask someone how to hot wire a car, blow a safe or pick locks, get caught, and tell the police that so and so showed me how, do you think that would just drop round to their house for a coffee and chat, or do you think that they too might be in trouble?


Anyway, after all is said and done, there is a lot of very good advice pposted on here, trials of traps and methods, some even pinned. So if any one wants to learn the proper way to trap or snare, the info is around.


If you are stupid enough to openly admit that you have no permission to hunt, then can you really expect help from those who have worked hard to get theirs, and may be in danger of losing them?


Regards to all




PS. I never hunted foxes with horse and hound, I prefered the gun, but do you think that I wasn't at the marches? Of course I was, we all knew that when hunting was banned it was the first step in us all losing our rights as fishermen, trappers, shooters.


I am not looking forward to the next mindless steps of the celebrities and city folk's stupidity and lack of understanding of how the countrside is run, because you can bet your bottom dollar it will be aimed at me and those like me.

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Holdaway, I do not really wish to offend you but after reading your post I think you are talking out of the wrong orifice.


"Snaring without permission will spoil it for all of us" is such pontifical nonsense.


There has been 'Poachers' in Britain since the thirteenth century when the peasants used to take the King's Deer, and that was a hanging offence. They don't hang anybody any longer so it must be getting better.

I suggest that you read "More tales of Old Poachers" by John Humphreys. There will always be poachers in a Rural Community (I am not including 'Rustlers' of farm animals) Most poachers shoot and snare for the 'Pot'.


I was brought up in Berkshire by my Grandfather, who was the local poacher, during the Second World War and I learned a considerable amount of Fieldcraft from him. One thing he did was to supply game and fish to the village in those austere times (including the Local policeman).

I am not trying to justify poaching it is theft, but to say "It will spoil it for the rest" is a bit pompous. Who are the Rest of Us?

One of the problems of these "messageboards" these days is, some like to create "Elite" communities.

I was recently on another messageboard and related to an incident where I was tempted after spotting two Pheasants out of season (Two weeks ) feeding in a field. I pulled into the Field and shot one with a 410 as they rose. The problem was it carried over the boundry hedge and landed on the roadside grass verge. I was spotted by an Eco-Fascist who reported me. Nothing happened. He had no evidence.

The point is that the 'Elitists' on the messageboard were up in arms, Claiming it reflects on the "Shooting Community". THER IS NO SUCH THING AS THE SHOOTING COMMUNITY. There are people who shoot whether it be Clays, Game, Targets, Vermin, etc. I shoot for the Pot, and have nothing in common with people who shoot 'Flying Roof Tiles'

I am now seventy two with a lot of empty cartridges cases behind behind me and not one on a clay target.

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Guess I'm not allowed my own opinion then huh?


Yes there has been poaching since someone first started owning land, I won't deny it.


Why do any of us bother to get permission then? Lets all buy guns without licenses then too shall we? After all, hardly anybody is going to bother are they? A stranger snaring your cat/dog, shots going off in the middle of the night, strangers walking across your garden with firearms?


Well done, let's see more of it...


No offence taken btw. I have my opinion and everyone else has theirs, I'm not allowed to voice mine? I thought the Nazis had been defeated...




Edited to say:-


I'm not stopping anyone poaching, I'm not stopping anyone feeding themselves, but I personally don't have to tell anyone else how to get away with it do I?

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Guess I'm not allowed my own opinion then huh?


Yes there has been poaching since someone first started owning land, I won't deny it.


Why do any of us bother to get permission then? Lets all buy guns without licenses then too shall we? After all, hardly anybody is going to bother are they? A stranger snaring your cat/dog, shots going off in the middle of the night, strangers walking across your garden with firearms?


Well done, let's see more of it...


No offence taken btw. I have my opinion and everyone else has theirs, I'm not allowed to voice mine? I thought the Nazis had been defeated...




Edited to say:-


I'm not stopping anyone poaching, I'm not stopping anyone feeding themselves, but I personally don't have to tell anyone else how to get away with it do I?


Holdaway, Of Course you are allowed your opinion. Just as the rest of the population is entitled to theirs.

Nobody would deliberately snare a cat or dog (well maybe a Korean for the Dog)

As for the restrictions on holding a firearm is another matter it is less than 100 years since their were No restrictions on firearms and less than 30 years since the shotgun licence could be bought in the Post Office for 10 shillings (50p)

Blair saw the opportunity to use Dunblain incident to his political advantage and restrict the use of Firearms. There are now more 'Illegal' guns in the Country than ever before. It is all about Political Control.

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I am in total agreement with you about the political element.


So I for one will always seek permission. As a poacher would you lose something from your sport if you were given permission? This is a reasonable question not a piss take.


If not, then wouldn't getting permission save you a lot of hassle and sneaking around?


I know no-one would snare a pet on purpose, but if it happens by accident, a snare laid by someone mindless, untrained, then the law will jump on us all from a great height. The celebrities, most of whom haven't got an ounce of sence between them, are trying to ban snaring as being cruel. If I catch anb animal in a live cage trap, what am I suppose to do with it? Use harsh language? I don't own a gun or licence to use one anymore.


Maybe I should drown everything, that I am sure no one would object to..



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I am in total agreement with you about the political element.


So I for one will always seek permission. As a poacher would you lose something from your sport if you were given permission? This is a reasonable question not a piss take.


If not, then wouldn't getting permission save you a lot of hassle and sneaking around?


I know no-one would snare a pet on purpose, but if it happens by accident a snare laid by someone mindless and untrained, then the law will jump on us all from a great height. The celebrities, most of whom haven't got an ounce of sense between them are trying to ban snaring as it is cruel. If I catch an animal in a live cage trap, what am I suppose to do with it? Use harsh language? I don't own a gun or licence to use one anymore.


Maybe I should drown everything, that I am sure no one would object to..



mate I would willingly never poach again if I was given the chance of permission, but with people not willing to give me that chance I have no choice but to poach. I understand totally what you are saying about the accidental snareing and the bad light it would shine, but surely with you sharing your advice this can only help reduce the risk of accidents happening and help people like myself become more competent.

I have not done any snareing myself but would love to broaden my knowledge. I have been reading some exellent posts on this forum and picked up some valuable tips and hope to pick up more before I try my hand at snareing. But without the help and experience of others I could have tried and it could have turned out disasterous and ended up with me snareing some poor kids cat!

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if some geezer goes to the library gets ! of the many books on shooting & then goes poaching is the author or even the librarian accessories are they f**k & yes for some the fun is in the poaching but for most of us it is a necessity if we want to hunt, so get your head out of your arse & grow up. Pritch

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if some geezer goes to the library gets ! of the many books on shooting & then goes poaching is the author or even the librarian accessories are they f**k & yes for some the fun is in the poaching but for most of us it is a necessity if we want to hunt, so get your head out of your arse & grow up. Pritch
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