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so who,s this fella khan

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So with all this trashing of khan none of yous would think him good enough to win a version of a world title i take it ?.....well i,ll take bets with all and anyone who wants to...that he will within 2 years.....

I dont like the kid but i recognise talent reagrdless of what colour or religion they are and i said from around his 4th or 5th pro fight that he had the talent to go all the way...wee barry mcguigan said the same and the last fighter he stuck his neck out and said the same about at such an early stage of their career was nigel benn !...which for me says something about his judgement of fighters.

Edited by gnasher16
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Im all for nurturing prospects,but Warren just wont put a puncher in front of Khan as he knows the outcome.I'm still not convinced and dont think i ever will be.Even the feather handed opponents he's being spoon fed seem to rattle Khan every time they tag him.Perhaps its a weight thing,as Khan is freakishly tall and large framed for his weight.I will agree that Khan has improved,as he now realises his chin isnt up to much and doesn't stand there trading as he did in earlier fights.As Tommy points out,the world champions at this weight are past there best but i agree,i think both would beat Khan,and if im honest i think they would stop him and do so fairly easily.As for Choi,well fight of the night,but poor refereeing and Matthews corner should be ashamed of themselves,bravery and poor refereeing have been responsible for a number of fatalities in boxing.Matthews was another "rising star" and was mauled by choi.The boxing media and promoters in this country should start being more honest about these "young stars" instead of misleading the public into believing they are far more gifted than they really are just to sell tickets.The boxer who most impressed me last night was Michael Jennings,a very solid all rounder,and someone i would love to see go all the way. :thumbs:

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So with all this trashing of khan none of yous would think him good enough to win a version of a world title i take it ?.....well i,ll take bets with all and anyone who wants to...that he will within 2 years.....

I dont like the kid but i recognise talent reagrdless of what colour or religion they are and i said from around his 4th or 5th pro fight that he had the talent to go all the way...wee barry mcguigan said the same and the last fighter he stuck his neck out and said the same about at such an early stage of their career was nigel benn !...which for me says something about his judgement of fighters.


Well im not betting with you (i always lose) :clapper: Gnasher "Wee Barry" also said that Lacey wouldn't just beat Calzaghe,but that he may do some lasting damage to him.I'm not knocking Khan because of his creed

,colour,religion,i'm just not buying into the hype.He is a decent fighter i would never be ignorant enough to say otherwise,what im saying is he's not as good as they media and Warren would have us believe.I still dont believe his chin or stamina would stand up at world level,and i'm pretty certain that at some point he will be campaigning somewhere around 10,7.I've no doubt Warren could steer him to a "version" of the world title,but in todays boxing climate that is relatively meaningless in terms of "greatness".Khan for me still hasn't fought anyone that fancied the job.

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Wee Barry McGuigan is PAYED TO SAY WHAT HE SAYS................Its His Job :yes::yes: McGuigan also said that Audley Harrison had Talent :hmm:

Agree 100% that KHAN will get FED an OPPONENT that allows him to WIN a WORLD TITLE at Some point soon as Warren wont want to lose his Goose that lays the Golden Egg :no:

The Boxing game is something i really like but its also very frustrating as not always the BEST GET PUSHED ALONG. Like lastnight the two lads that beat Matthews and Crolla.....will probably carry on been journeymen type fighters while Warren will create some more spin and Matthews and Crolla will get a few more fighst against Human Punchbags in there Re-Abilitation :(

Yet Michael Jennings 30 years old 33 Wins (16 KO's) and 1 very very questionable loss been a British Champion as well as now holding the WBU title and hes a UNKNOWN To Most :hmm:


I would go as far as saying that Amir Khan is probably one of the MOST WELL KNOWN BRITISH BOXERS AROUND NOW and hes done f**k All except knock over a few Bums and Win a Silver Medal.......I think its disrespectful to the True Champions we have like Calzaghe, Hatton, Haye, Woods etc.

As long as the Public keep swallowing all the HYPE that Warrens promotes then he'll keep doing it and making Mountains of Money in the process :no:

Ohh what if Terry Marsh had been a better Shot :doh::laugh:


ATB TOMMY :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by Tommy
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So with all this trashing of khan none of yous would think him good enough to win a version of a world title i take it ?.....well i,ll take bets with all and anyone who wants to...that he will within 2 years.....

I dont like the kid but i recognise talent reagrdless of what colour or religion they are and i said from around his 4th or 5th pro fight that he had the talent to go all the way...wee barry mcguigan said the same and the last fighter he stuck his neck out and said the same about at such an early stage of their career was nigel benn !...which for me says something about his judgement of fighters.

dont take no notice of what mcguigan says hes paid by ITV to big up the fight and the fighters .although he knows his stuff he can never say khan wont go any further than the lowest of the world titles otherwise he wouldnt have a job with ITV anymore. he said harrison was the real deal and any one who had even limited knowledge of boxing could see he was a sack of s :censored: t hes never fought a reconised big puncher,the only time hes fought someone who could punch back, he got sat on his arse,his apponents are hand picked by warren to keep the money rolling in. anyone can look impressive against nobodys his sparring partners call him crystal in the gym because hes got a glass jaw :boxing::boxing:

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Wee Barry McGuigan is PAYED TO SAY WHAT HE SAYS................Its His Job :yes::yes: McGuigan also said that Audley Harrison had Talent :hmm:


As long as the Public keep swallowing all the HYPE that Warrens promotes then he'll keep doing it and making Mountains of Money in the process :no:

Ohh what if Terry Marsh had been a better Shot :doh::laugh:


ATB TOMMY :thumbs: :thumbs:



barry mcguigan is paid to give his views on boxing and boxers,he,s not paid to hype people....if he was he would hype every fighter not just khan....

i make you dead right about the hype that the public swallows.....and this has been my argument since the start of khans career.....the first 2 years of khans career has been absolutely no different to any other talented fighter...no different to nigel benn ...no different to tyson or any other young prospect.....if the public want to fall for all the hype and bullshit and expect young prospects to be getting beaten up while they are learning their trade then thats not the fighter,trainer,manager or promoters fault.....its the publics own fault for being gullible and judging a sport they know little about....boxing is a very short career as we all know,its get in make your money and get out hopefully without having got hurt.....thats the basics to the game,always has been and always will be....what makes it so different because parts of the public are gillible fools,it dont suddenly become the fighters fault.....bill you for one i know are too clued up on the game to have fallen for this yourself,if you basically dont believe khan to be a good enough fighter at world level then so be it thats your opinion,but these people who automatically write him off because he hasnt beaten a mexican,or hasnt won a world title yet...are simply not looking at it in a realistic boxing view......yes your right bill about lacey i forgot that :D ...but then i do think mcguigan can spot talent,he calls fights wrong like everyone does...but i do feel he has an eye for talent and has a fantastic understanding of the sport compared to twats like that bunce moron !

Edited by gnasher16
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all you guys that are knocking him , who do you think he should fight next to give him a real test ?


Personally i dont think he needs a real test,but part of the problem with hyping someone like they have done with khan...is you are then under pressure to fight big names....i dont think khan is ready for the top level fighters yet but i think he will now get pushed into them before he is ready....boxers are not machines,they all grow,learn,mature and improve at different rates...i believe khan needs more hard gym time myself but he is too busy running round putting his face everywhere which is another drawback to being touted as a star before you are one !

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all you guys that are knocking him , who do you think he should fight next to give him a real test ?



I'll list a few :laugh:


Yuri Romanov the fella that beat Thaxton hes European Champ

Michael Katsidis lost his last fight but has Punch Power 20 KO's from 23 wins

Anthony Peterson 23 years old 26 fights No loses

Joel Casamayor 36 years old

Nate Campbell 36 years old

Juan Diaz 24 years old lost his last fight to Nate Campbell on points


Just to name a few :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


ATB TOMMY :thumbs: :thumbs:

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i am in to boxing and i think khan has got it in him to become a world champ but not at the moment i have to agree i dont like all the hype that goes with him but boy has the lad got some talent that's a fact mind he is still a young lad the only decent boxer he has come up aginst was willie limond from glasgow and he was not a puncher and he gave khan trouble but i still think there is a lot of work to be done with this lad.


the public think he is ready for a world title but these people dont know boxing i also think he is not ready at this moment in time for a shot at a title


i also think they will bypass romanov as he will beat khan up in style


but watch this space khan will be a world champ in the next year or two


i would like to see him put in with a couple of decent flighters over the next couple of fights



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well heres my thoughts....


were do i start??? a BRITISH fighter whom is winning his fights ( ok against poorish apponants ) is getting no end of stick from the british public, if a year or so ago they had put him in against someone at the top end of his division, and he got turned over, you would all be here giving it the old " what the feck did they put him up against someone like that so early, he was always going to lose" but here we are watching him being brought on slowly and were still not happy....lets be honest who is there out there that you all want too see him fight thats going to give him the challenge that you all say he needs???


he has brought home a olympic medal ( not often seen by us british ) and is a fight or two away from a title shot, and me for one would love to see him get it, even if it was against someone as weak as water..as the more medals, belts etc that come to these shores the better....

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hes just another nazeem to me he will come up against some one good and top of there game and retire or come up with a bull s++t excuse saying hes hert his hand or summat.. i agree take him to mexico see how good he really is against some one who wants to give back and not bothered about the fame ...dont get me wrong the kid is fast as f***k

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  • 1 month later...

Youssef Al Hamidi proved his slippery skills again last night :laugh: He must not like Manchester Lads :laugh: :laugh: Last time he beat Anthony Crolla and again last night caused John Murray plenty of trouble and only found out he was fighting at 11am yesterday morning ;);)


ATB TOMMY :yes: :yes:

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