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Keep em peeled

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  jacob said:
how do we know youre the real cammo man?surely the real cammo man has a cape and a utility belt,and wheres youre cammocar? please forgive me if you are the REAL DEAL. :laugh:



My powers come from within Jacob, I had a Cammo van, an LDV 400 actually, fecking thing has just boiled on me will need to look for something else,


Keep em peeled :victory:

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  Cammo Man said:
Hi Wilf,

Ive had a hard weekend saving us from the opposition, also trying to find poor tuffty's dog


Just relaxing now,






After doing the housework that is.






A Yelnrubians work is never done :victory:


Keep em peeled guys :thumbs:





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Guest The Big Fish
  J Darcy said:
He is the real "Real Deal"......He walks the walk, , he dont talk the talk......


Integrity is his middle name..... :big_boss::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:



I rekon its Ian, that tight spandex stuff is right up his street :laugh:

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  The Big Fish said:
  J Darcy said:
He is the real "Real Deal"......He walks the walk, , he dont talk the talk......


Integrity is his middle name..... :big_boss::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:



I rekon its Ian, that tight spandex stuff is right up his street :laugh:



nope.....nose not big enough...... :clapper:

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cammoman cammoman where for art tho "" show a sign so we know you survived the weekend ,i seen you earlier in tescos car park kind of hard concealing this baby onwards upwards keep it peeled keep it peeled :whistling:



keep the faith cammy :tongue2:

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Hello Rob, I'm safe and sound and so is the hunting community :victory:



Ive just been working out for the past couple of hours,


had a gruelling 2hrs on the cross trainer,








and 500 press ups,





us superheroes need to work out.




Keep em peeled guys and gals


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felching is a sexual practice in which semen or other fluid is sucked out of another persons anus, with or without a straw. The person sucking the semen will then pass it, mouth to mouth to their partner.

:hmm: is it just planet earth were this stuff goes on or does it happen on yelnrub as well :good:

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