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Interesting Dog Found in Thailand

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  Dawn B said:
Dont be so patronising, it doesnt suit! :thumbdown: If you LOOK at the photo, the dog is half as high as the bench (where you would sit) he is standing by, thats HALF as high!



:unsure: ..... Errrm ... Dawn? If ye Look at the animal, ye might chill out enough to spot that it has no willy? A Lady Dog. A She .......... It's a Bitch, Dawn.


Some things are though, aren't they? :whistling:




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Thai Ridgeback and their crosses are wide spread. I think the Thai kennel club standard is probably non existant, maybe I am wrong. All I know is some are very aggressive both towards dogs and humans.

I was once in a resturant in Thailand with a couple of women (English) and we had a special omelette you now the mushroom ones, when one of the chicks got up to have a piss and went the wrong way to the toilet and got nailed by the owners Thai Ridgeback, not bad but it proper freeked her out.

I knew the owner, Joe was his name and the dog was a nice looking mutt too, blue in colour. I must say most of the dogs in Thailand look like they have some of this blood in them.

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Came across this by chance, Here. Just struck me as an interesting looking animal. Hints of old fashioned Bull Terrier (Hinks type of thing) and Dingo ~ as in, my own " Dingo Dog ".


Now, Dingo Dog is said to possibly contain Rhodesian Ridgeback. Is there not, just by coincidence, a Taiwanese form of Ridgeback? Great jumpers, as I recall.


Or am I just f*cked up in the head and this is simply a rather attractive little mongrel?


Who cares. I like it.





looks like on a site i seen a while back a carr terrier or somthing like that but there a propper english bulls from years ago all the army genrals and that took the english bull to pakistan and they havent changed does any one knowany more about them? ado

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my neighbour has got a dog just the same now in thailand he is mongrel with some real thai dog blood in him thats why his coat is short ..i once watched a programme on discovery on the origins of the dingo and the closest they could get was ye olde thai mut ..i am useless posting photos or i would put the neighbours dog up but he is the double of him,, they are quite common and if you come over here you would see loads of dogs like him on a daily basis...great dogs but for some reason the thais discard them and buy all sorts of stupid pedigree dogs out of puppy farms for silly money ....i was offered a english bull puppy on friday night for 100 quid....my father in law hunts with 4 of the maddest looking muts you have ever seen but by fuc! can they hunt and kill ,,they take all sorts .pigs, armidillos basically anything that moves they will kill and in the pot it goes for dinner!!! the rarer the animal the better in there eyes ...wish i could put some photos up as i have got some wild photos of his dogs and his blackpowder musket gun that he uses ,,he really is a great hunter and goes missing for days into the jungle ..i can,t handle the mosquitos and all the other shit that seem to take great pleasure on chewing my white boys skin or i would go out with them more..when i get home i will see if i can get someone to put the photos on here for me to show use

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  ado said:
  Ditch_Shitter said:
Came across this by chance, Here. Just struck me as an interesting looking animal. Hints of old fashioned Bull Terrier (Hinks type of thing) and Dingo ~ as in, my own " Dingo Dog ".


Now, Dingo Dog is said to possibly contain Rhodesian Ridgeback. Is there not, just by coincidence, a Taiwanese form of Ridgeback? Great jumpers, as I recall.


Or am I just f*cked up in the head and this is simply a rather attractive little mongrel?


Who cares. I like it.





looks like on a site i seen a while back a carr terrier or somthing like that but there a propper english bulls from years ago all the army genrals and that took the english bull to pakistan and they havent changed does any one knowany more about them? ado

i have been looking for them and they r called gull terriers

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