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Guest bitsa lurcher
apparently it ate its own abcess of its back end and has something wrong with its legs.its a 5/8 bull 3/8 grey so they are not fast so even if it slows it a bit it will be too much,cut ya losses shoot it.bad ones take as much feedin as good ones



5/8 3/8 are not fast is a very bold statement to make ....... or is it that you have never seen a decent 5/8 3/8 run ????? :whistling:

5/8 bull not 5/8 greyhound



reverse x then ????

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I would get rid of the dog however you see fit. But do not waste time and money on something that is not right from the start. I would PTS and get another after all it is a dog not a kid. Funny how all the non-hunters post about rescue.

i agree with the non hunter bit ,its gone sunday hopefully if not :gunsmilie: bullet

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Guest bitsa lurcher




reverse x then ????

father half cross mother 3/4 bull 1/4 grey.



i think that be a reverse x ........no matter what x if it's no good shoot it !!!!!!!!!

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Now I know this is a little bit way out, but bare with me..............take it to a vet and get a proffesional opinion, then make an educated decision.


Crazy I know!



SARCASM , AND SENCE , LOVE IT WILF :clapper::clapper:



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