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home build larsen trap

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I was asked to build a larsen trap, as a test guinea pig, as I have quite good wood-working skills, but no experience with a larsen, here's a few pictures of the finished artical, yes I know the door runners should be under the access plate, I put them above to allow more head height for the call bird :icon_redface:


am trying a mixture of baiting and dummy magpie's to entice the first one in, no luck as yet, been in situ 2 days, but it is the school holidays, lots of noisey kids etc, its ontop of my fert court, and the tree behind is a favorite roost spot for magpie's


have heard RICHIE was a guinea pig too, any luck with yours mate







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the patch im going to put it has around 10+ maggies at a time either on the ground or flying around.. so i should do alright with it.


i went for a non toxic dark wood preservative / stain to help it blend it where im going to be putting it.


ive still got to put the mesh on, but the two different types i have i wont bother with. im waiting to get the mesh 1 x 1 with the green plastic coating on.









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Just for clarity there are several General Licences which allow birds to be trapped or shot. The one most often relating to magpies covers the Protection of Wild Birds. Anyone using a larsen should be familiar with this document; read it, understand it, conform to it and ideally have a copy to hand.





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steve, it looks like you are using a good quality mesh there, did it come in a 8 x 4 sheet ?




it came of a bridge that we were re-netting, cant remember where, but I had about 6 rolls of the stuff, yea, approx 8x4, but its mostly all been used now, fert courts, cages etc, I can do you some 3/4x3/4 though in 8x4's, but its a lot heavier gauge

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