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the new hutch

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hi all just though i would post a few pics of the new hutch(not done just yet) and see what you think. on the bottom level there will be two doors opening out and then a run 6X4 which will be the same size of the hutch and with a gate and a lit that is hindged in the middle and at the end. sorry if i have confused you all, ill post some more pics when its done :thumbs:



















NOTE*** where the shelf is bowed, that is now fixed :thumbs:


thanks for looking

paddy :thumbs:

Edited by paddy.t
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Looking good mate,may i add that it may be worth getting it waterproofed on the floors inside as once your ferrets soil the floor that wood takes an age to get dry again,or to use a litter tray.Just trying to help mate and again grand job with the hutch.

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Looking good mate,may i add that it may be worth getting it waterproofed on the floors inside as once your ferrets soil the floor that wood takes an age to get dry again,or to use a litter tray.Just trying to help mate and again grand job with the hutch.



its exterior board but i will be waterproofing it pal, and yeah they allready have a litter tray in the hutch atm

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its not hard getting the room paddy me old mate just a corner in the garden i have ill get some pics mabey tommorow :thumbs:



i know what your saying will, but my grandad is realy into growing all his vedge and flowers ect, so we have a shed 2 large greenhouses and then the rest is all raised beds for the vedge. and my garden at home just aint any space

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you might have to screw the litter tray down to ,ferrets love to tip things up especially litter trays




yeah, but then it would be hard to clean, so i thought about making a frame for it to sit in, so they cant push it around

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ooh ok i see so you cant divide the space in a shed mabey put a divider?



nahh mate, shed full as it is, 2 bikes + shelves all down side, draws at end, we are going to sort garden out this summer, maybe get rid of greenhouses and just have a polly tunnel length of the garden.

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Don't forget to put a lip round the ladder hatch or all the shavings from the top will be downstairs in no time.



good idea, but to be honest pal, i only put hay and towels in their bedroom area, and just lino everywhere else :thumbs:

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PLEASE NOTE** the pices of wood holding doors closed are tempoary.


will post more pics thursday and friday when hutch will be complete and fingers crossed the run/mini court will also be finished :thumbs:


thanks again for looking


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