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Claining back income tax over payment

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Im always paying BR tax Kay :censored: as i contract/agency work.My rebates have always came in a cheque which i,ve applied for at being of April...


But do you get a P60 from the agency every year & do you have to send them that

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Has anyone on here done this , i have just phoned the tax office after receiving a letter saying my tax codes changed from BR to 543L i was paying tax at basic rate for the whole of this tax year & part of the one before, they said i am to send in my P60 with a cover note & they will pay me back what i am owed


I just wondered if this was normal practice as i have had rebates before & they were just paid in with my wages



How much you expecting to get back Kay? If it's a decent amount I'll be your friend :D


about 900 quid in all so i am not going to let them keep me waiting for it :laugh:

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Keep a copy of the P60 :yes:


well i asked them if i could send a copy of my P60 but they want the original , i was a bit aprehensive about sending it , but it looks i will have to give in & send it

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Keep a copy of the P60 :yes:


well i asked them if i could send a copy of my P60 but they want the original , i was a bit aprehensive about sending it , but it looks i will have to give in & send it



send it recorded delivery (sorry if spelling rong)

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Keep a copy of the P60 :yes:


well i asked them if i could send a copy of my P60 but they want the original , i was a bit aprehensive about sending it , but it looks i will have to give in & send it



send it recorded delivery (sorry if spelling rong)


yes Paddy i think i will send it recorded delivery :thumbs:

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