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all depend were im going tyne etc you dont need to worry to much with leash as they work steady but young pup needs to be leashed until calm , it happend in slow motion last nite herding the rabb away from cover he picks it up bang out cold on a strainer fence hees a lump of a dog so hopefully just severly bruised , i used my freinds lamp a little clulite were as my bigger lamp gives a lot more light maybe that never helped , i never need to leash him or the grew on my own just if you have the odd strange dog running a bit more competition and give the other dog his chance but lucky if there leashed at all there steady and out enopugh to keep them steady , after that took pup out killed a few rabbs one runs under a small platform maybe two feet of the ground she goes under on the rabbit catches it i says fech this could have been another injury kept away from that area and ended up a good nite ,80 percent of the time the dogs dont do much rabbs mostly when legal hares and roe if you no what i meen and on land thats big and open with no old buildings or qaurrys but its on the door step maybe take gun next time and fech beating up my good coursing type dogs , my old collie bitch is just to old now so replacement this year for deff cheers

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Guest dog on
  dog on said:
  whin said:
maybe a few days or weeks he shall be bouncing again if so get him lined with other saluk type bitch ive got ,hees the last of the tor of dartmoor and sniper x jade, type, a fecher both his parents are long gone ,thanks he is a good asset and a real good stamp of a dog for roe hares and rabbs does my head in feching injuries , got one eight and pinned leg one at three with stopper trouble and that last nite , got one sound young bitch who i maybe need to breed of to get more cheers , dog games a fecher at times
whin a serious question do you slip your dogs or worke them loose

you seem to know what i mean .i never put my dog on lead unles another dog is about to run i personaly find a dog learns a lot more and eventualy steadys up i do it from the pupy stage right through i try to tell others that slip all the time the dog has only got one thin on its mind and dont realy take notice of whats around any way hope things turn out ok with dog Edited by dog on
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  • 5 months later...

Sorry to see a good dog go..

I have been breeding with Greyhounds for 10 years and never did i saved a dog from parvo but 3 weeks ago one of my pups got parvo so i every time i have a pup with parvo i try someting els, so this time i tryd 1 cup (250ml) of sugar water with 1 tabel spoon sugar in.. And give it to the pup ever 2 hours,, and with 1 tablet of SCOPEX it is for Conditions associated with gastro-intestinal spasm.. So i take a syringe (4ml) and put the tablet in the syringe and crush it and fill the sringe with the suger water and mix well in the syringe and spry in the mouth.. verry bitter tast.. BUT IT WORKS WELL..

PS..I know you say your dog did not have PARVO..

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