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Near Perfect Day

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Today I picked up my new hw100ks .22. She is a real beauty, with a stock that can only be called blond walnut (if it is walnut) with absolute gorgeous graining on it. Got some BSA scopes and high mounts, the bag, and 1000 pellets were thrown in as part of the deal. I have the hw100t in .177 which is a great first class piece of kit, the hw100ks is slightly smaller and lighter and I am told that you do not get as many shots per fill (but I can put up with that). So I get Home and the phone is ringing, who is it, but only one of the biggest farmland owners in West Yorkshire to tell me that I have the shooting permission for all his land, and his secretary is drawing the paperwork up, which I should receive before the end of the week. What a day!! So why near perfect, well it then started to throw it down with rain, so I did not get a chance to zero my new rifle ( but you cannot have everything I suppose). But I think the icing on the cake, is that my wife actually suggested I buy the rifle, so knock backs when I go with my Grandson shooting. :clapper::victory::notworthy:

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