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USA rabbit snaring

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I would give anything to see his face as he watches those . . . priceless!


Typical bullsh*t snaring, from so-called trappers that have no idea at all



you would starve to death waiting on these guys snaring a kill of rabbits , the picture was bad enough without , me clicking on to look at some rank amateur american playing himself at rabbit snaring. by the way ian, you will pay for this boy . ha ha.
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I would give anything to see his face as he watches those . . . priceless!


Typical bullsh*t snaring, from so-called trappers that have no idea at all



you would starve to death waiting on these guys snaring a kill of rabbits , the picture was bad enough without , me clicking on to look at some rank amateur american playing himself at rabbit snaring. by the way ian, you will pay for this boy . ha ha.

okay i gave in and looked at the site , pure shite .
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more like a boy scouts outing on that vid and the music was weird but the the americans are pretty knowledgble blokes and met many that were far from that silly vid, it was realy strange as he walked through the runs with little sticks and black twine and all the nonsense crazy

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more like a boy scouts outing on that vid and the music was weird but the the americans are pretty knowledgble blokes and met many that were far from that silly vid, it was realy strange as he walked through the runs with little sticks and black twine and all the nonsense crazy
yes there are many top quality snarers and trappers out there in US and CANADA i know as i have been going out there for 40 years , but they have their share of dumplings just like we have over here , but they are not any better at open trail snaring than the guys over here , and they certainly can,t snare rabbits in the professional manner that we can , as we are top of the tree at the pegged rabbit snaring. a woodland style rabbit snare would have suited them better than tying up with twine and trying to bush the snare in , and once again they have this donkey mentality setting with a tiny loop .
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