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Burrow Collapsing

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I think the problem lies in the fact that it is very difficult to tell if a burrow or hole is unoccupied. Even of the holes are stunk out prior, this is still not 100% effective. What the outcome will be is anyones guess.

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  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country,no way can you guarantee there is nothing underground,was given the hard sell on one of these by someone who has one,said at the time prefer traditional and tried methods,
there was a guy showing the head keeper a few weeks ago trying one out, and he must have put to much gas into the burrow , when it was ignited he burned his jacket hands and singed his eyebrows , the head keeper phoned me to tell me about it as he had a good laugh about it , it seems a bit extreme to kill a few rabbits , the old ferret would have been better ,
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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country, I prefer traditional and tried methods.



Quite so, mate. And ye free to sell them. Free to buy them. Just god help ye if ye caught Using them.



But this whole concept isn't About Pest Control, is it? Let's not even pretend to kid ourselves.


No. This sort of shit just taps right in the spreadingly prevelant mind set we're seeing today. That same mindset which calls for a Pit Bull Terrier or close cross to be taken on a fox dig. Called a " Draw Dog " and used to 'control' a seventeen pound vixen, once she's been dug to - as 'The Boyz' stand round watching what the 65 pound of muscle driven teeth do to that cat sized creature. Their mouths open. Faces hot. Trousers tented ..... Mobile phones recording everything; For more private veiwing, in their bedrooms later that night. Tissues to hand.


Or the guys who 'Have To' use the heaviest rounds at the highest velocity to kill a fox or even a rabbit. Then they'll bring us close pictures of the ragged neck stump and perhaps a stray eyeball. 'For Ballistic Review Purposes', ye understnd :yes:'Ballistics!' Who the f*ck is That shit meant to kid?


And now inadaquette little mens ego's are being deprived of the oppertunity to " Blow Up " small mammals in their holes? Well, f*ck me! That's a crying shame! Just have to buy the latest " Exploding Varmints " DVD to aid their 'self gratification', won't they?



Me too, mate. I'll stick to using my wrist for a swift and humane despatch. I'll use the gun to get the job done. And I won't even go after what I can't humanely despatch myself, without the aid of a big, " Pit Bull " type Dog at hand. Penis by proxy.

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country, I prefer traditional and tried methods.



Quite so, mate. And ye free to sell them. Free to buy them. Just god help ye if ye caught Using them.



But this whole concept isn't About Pest Control, is it? Let's not even pretend to kid ourselves.


No. This sort of shit just taps right in the spreadingly prevelant mind set we're seeing today. That same mindset which calls for a Pit Bull Terrier or close cross to be taken on a fox dig. Called a " Draw Dog " and used to 'control' a seventeen pound vixen, once she's been dug to - as 'The Boyz' stand round watching what the 65 pound of muscle driven teeth do to that cat sized creature. Their mouths open. Faces hot. Trousers tented ..... Mobile phones recording everything; For more private veiwing, in their bedrooms later that night. Tissues to hand.


Or the guys who 'Have To' use the heaviest rounds at the highest velocity to kill a fox or even a rabbit. Then they'll bring us close pictures of the ragged neck stump and perhaps a stray eyeball. 'For Ballistic Review Purposes', ye understnd :yes:'Ballistics!' Who the f*ck is That shit meant to kid?


And now inadaquette little mens ego's are being deprived of the oppertunity to " Blow Up " small mammals in their holes? Well, f*ck me! That's a crying shame! Just have to buy the latest " Exploding Varmints " DVD to aid their 'self gratification', won't they?



Me too, mate. I'll stick to using my wrist for a swift and humane despatch. I'll use the gun to get the job done. And I won't even go after what I can't humanely despatch myself, without the aid of a big, " Pit Bull " type Dog at hand. Penis by proxy.


Bang on the nail once more Ditchy!

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  snareman said:
  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country,no way can you guarantee there is nothing underground,was given the hard sell on one of these by someone who has one,said at the time prefer traditional and tried methods,
there was a guy showing the head keeper a few weeks ago trying one out, and he must have put to much gas into the burrow , when it was ignited he burned his jacket hands and singed his eyebrows , the head keeper phoned me to tell me about it as he had a good laugh about it , it seems a bit extreme to kill a few rabbits , the old ferret would have been better ,

First I heard about these Tunnel Busters was when my insurer said I was'nt covered for using one.I was a bit incredulous when he described it to me. Since then one of the farms I work has bought one. No way will the operater get safely into the awkward thickets or onto those tricky cliffs and the problem is going to move away from the easily worked buries (because they will all be smashed) into places difficult to deal with.These surviving bunnies will still have plenty of grass and crops to eat and may well thrive. Can you really see the average guy with the best will in the world actually bothering to "flush" a burrow in the prescribed way.Might as well ferret it conventionally.Sure ,rats will sometimes shift at the wriggle of a stick but with no tunnels to return to they are then simply going to go into someones barn or drain etc . Sadly it's going to take an accident ........

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They way it was explained to me ,first of all you need a fair bit of room in your truck to carry the propane gas bottle and oxygen bottle and the mixers and the lance.

Then you drive along to your target mole hills release the mixture then ignite and blow the molehills up

You then proceed to charge for that visit ???? What if which is likely the mole is not in the run at the time of take off ?????????? you go back the next day re charge and blow it up again

Iam thinking if someone come to my meadow field started blowing it up more than once plus driving with two waking great f cking bottles in the back and all his kit he would be making more f cking mess than the mole :censored::censored::censored:

From my reaction you can see I ordered two :wallbash:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country, I prefer traditional and tried methods.



Quite so, mate. And ye free to sell them. Free to buy them. Just god help ye if ye caught Using them.



But this whole concept isn't About Pest Control, is it? Let's not even pretend to kid ourselves.


No. This sort of shit just taps right in the spreadingly prevelant mind set we're seeing today. That same mindset which calls for a Pit Bull Terrier or close cross to be taken on a fox dig. Called a " Draw Dog " and used to 'control' a seventeen pound vixen, once she's been dug to - as 'The Boyz' stand round watching what the 65 pound of muscle driven teeth do to that cat sized creature. Their mouths open. Faces hot. Trousers tented ..... Mobile phones recording everything; For more private veiwing, in their bedrooms later that night. Tissues to hand.


Or the guys who 'Have To' use the heaviest rounds at the highest velocity to kill a fox or even a rabbit. Then they'll bring us close pictures of the ragged neck stump and perhaps a stray eyeball. 'For Ballistic Review Purposes', ye understnd :yes:'Ballistics!' Who the f*ck is That shit meant to kid?


And now inadaquette little mens ego's are being deprived of the oppertunity to " Blow Up " small mammals in their holes? Well, f*ck me! That's a crying shame! Just have to buy the latest " Exploding Varmints " DVD to aid their 'self gratification', won't they?



Me too, mate. I'll stick to using my wrist for a swift and humane despatch. I'll use the gun to get the job done. And I won't even go after what I can't humanely despatch myself, without the aid of a big, " Pit Bull " type Dog at hand. Penis by proxy.

The best post i have seen on THL.Spot on that man :clapper:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
  heart of wales said:
It beats me how these people are allowed to sell them in this country, I prefer traditional and tried methods.



Quite so, mate. And ye free to sell them. Free to buy them. Just god help ye if ye caught Using them.



But this whole concept isn't About Pest Control, is it? Let's not even pretend to kid ourselves.


No. This sort of shit just taps right in the spreadingly prevelant mind set we're seeing today. That same mindset which calls for a Pit Bull Terrier or close cross to be taken on a fox dig. Called a " Draw Dog " and used to 'control' a seventeen pound vixen, once she's been dug to - as 'The Boyz' stand round watching what the 65 pound of muscle driven teeth do to that cat sized creature. Their mouths open. Faces hot. Trousers tented ..... Mobile phones recording everything; For more private veiwing, in their bedrooms later that night. Tissues to hand.


Or the guys who 'Have To' use the heaviest rounds at the highest velocity to kill a fox or even a rabbit. Then they'll bring us close pictures of the ragged neck stump and perhaps a stray eyeball. 'For Ballistic Review Purposes', ye understnd :yes:'Ballistics!' Who the f*ck is That shit meant to kid?


And now inadaquette little mens ego's are being deprived of the oppertunity to " Blow Up " small mammals in their holes? Well, f*ck me! That's a crying shame! Just have to buy the latest " Exploding Varmints " DVD to aid their 'self gratification', won't they?



Me too, mate. I'll stick to using my wrist for a swift and humane despatch. I'll use the gun to get the job done. And I won't even go after what I can't humanely despatch myself, without the aid of a big, " Pit Bull " type Dog at hand. Penis by proxy.


Your only right :thumbs:

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Been thinking ( Blowing moles out of the ground with a proxy penis is'nt an image I relished.) about this. I mean I've seen one of these things in a barn.some of you've seen em demonstrated and I guess we've all heard "things " about em. Certainly I've no interest in using one.However, maybe someone who actually uses/has used one on a daily basis could put a post up. Without fear of a slagging. Just an idea.

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