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Guest JohnGalway

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Guest JohnGalway

I shot a hoodie with the .223 on the 24th, set him out infront of the Moultrie trail camera as ones I'd shot before were being eaten in another area by something. I figure that something to be some kind of hawk I see flying around, or a fox but I never seen a fox take one before. Anyway here are a few pics.


Couple of ravens checking out the hoodie.




Family & friends over for the wake.




Early morning visit.




Evening shift.




Now, look at this! I've been after this fox for the past few weeks, no luck yet.








It's getting rowdy.




The neighbours again.



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Very interesting, just shows whats around after you leave. Is the camera set off by motion sensor? Would like to try one out on some of the places I go.

I might be worth baiting up an area and wait for charlie once it gets confident.

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Guest JohnGalway

Cheers guys :thumbs:


As far as I remember it needs motion and heat to set it off :yes:


If anyone is considering buying then pay attention and learn from my mistakes ;)......



First bit of advice for anyone buying one of these cameras is that they are not all created equal (Please research here and here, it really is important in making a decision - I think those are the two right websites, check my earlier topics on trail cameras just incase though as they're listed in there). Some are what I would consider proper trail cameras, that is a camera that is always on alert and will photograph an animal which moves across it's field of view reliably (this one, the Moultrie i60 Gamespy is not what I would consider a trail camera). The Moultrie is more of a bait station camera, or for somewhere you have left out something for deer. Reason being this camera has excellent battery life as it goes into a "sleep" mode. The big problem with this for me, a fella who wants to see foxes, is that it does take a few crucial seconds for the camera to "wake up" and take the photograph. This process DOES result in a good few blank photos :yes:


I also have a Bushnell trail camera. I haven't tried it as yet because of work and other commitments I've just not had the time or inclination to go out and site it yet. In theory, or at least the theory I've formed from reading the two particular websites mentioned above, it should perform much better on a faster moving animal like Charlie.


I bought both of them off Ebay, that's where I found them cheapest at the time :yes: With the dollar still rubbish it's a good time to buy ;)


If I was to buy again, or swop these two I'd seriously consider the RecoynX (I think it's called) camera for foxes. Seems the business for speed of shot, but like I say do your own reading up on what will suit your own needs :yes:

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ay up john.

very intresting post a keeper mate of mine has a similar set up to yours as well as a digital camera he carries with him every day.hes got a vaste library of stuff on his computer.you can spend hours looking at the images hes got.

its a very intresting hobby but i havent the patience although i take my digital camera with me on every trip out.

keep putting up those images very good mate. :thumbs:

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Here's a couple of pics i got with my "stealthcam" baited with a couple of woodies!!






Manage to catch a few pics of the female kestrel and only 1 of the young fox, which i got 2 days later.


Have had some really good pics!!






good pictures daz. i would like one of them. its good to if you get a lot of pics of the foxes in one area. you no its a hot spot to wait for them then with your 22/250 :gunsmilie:

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Here's a couple of pics i got with my "stealthcam" baited with a couple of woodies!!






Manage to catch a few pics of the female kestrel and only 1 of the young fox, which i got 2 days later.


Have had some really good pics!!







If your referring to that bird mate ,its a buzzard .

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