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I am I imagining it?

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or was I the only one to see the French PM :big_boss: being treated like royalty yesterday by all the cronies who run this island ? :sick: :thumbdown:


I'm sure it was just the other day that the French did not want any British blood for transfusion purposes :thumbdown: they don't seem to have a problem taking our money and anything else they can get their hands on though :laugh::whistling:

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OH Mad one, have you not learnt that there are but only two certain things in life, and im not talking taxes and death, nope.


1, a politician that will swoon over a suposed dignatory in a vain hope to further comfy his own little nest in the world of politics.


2, a shameless two faced money grabbing untrustworthy SHORT (in the sun today theres a pic of him in heels so hes as tall as his wife) FRENCHMAN who just so happens to do anything for a free trip to this land of ours. WHAT ABOUT YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT NOW MR FRENCH POLITICIAN? Forgot about what your nation said at the Keoto summet on global warming?


You see mr mad al your not the only one that has seen the nausiating performance of those in power, oh no. And to think that this here fellow is not only saddled with being a politician, hes also french.


As my great great great great grand father said whilst fighting them at the battle of Agincourt.......


THEY DONT LIKE IT UP UM................

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