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peugeot 106 1ltr NOW WITH PIKS

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as it says its metalic blue standerd 3 stud peugeot alloy wheels 3 door 1lt petrol very economicle and reliable little car drove to birmingham to bird sale at start of the month and didnt even cost £30 eather way think it was 43 altogether and thats bloomin good going anyway the girls car just been fully serviced fam belt timing belt new brake pads and disks all new filters spark plugs gloe plugs etc very good wee car £600 will get piks if anyone is intrested we are in need of a bigger car as wee are going out alot with 3 dogs at a time and 2 kids it aint very usefull anymore .


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you guys are unreal , cant lug 2 kids and my dogs round in a 106 1ltr for ever eh just isnt practicle ! people ask for me to be removed from the site for advertising when being a donator i can do so why should you be allowed to spam up my posts ....

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you guys are unreal , cant lug 2 kids and my dogs round in a 106 1ltr for ever eh just isnt practicle ! people ask for me to be removed from the site for advertising when being a donator i can do so why should you be allowed to spam up my posts ....

whot you after then a horse box mush or a cattle truck with all the crap you shift is it your car or a mates

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already have two horse box's as said already the car belongs to my partner i got her it when she passed her test but now we nead a bigger one as once it has two baby seats in the back there's no room and there sertainly aint enough for another baby seat .

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as it says its metalic blue standerd 3 stud peugeot alloy wheels 3 door 1lt petrol very economicle and reliable little car drove to birmingham to bird sale at start of the month and didnt even cost £30 eather way think it was 43 altogether and thats bloomin good going anyway the girls car just been fully serviced fam belt timing belt new brake pads and disks all new filters spark plugs gloe plugs etc very good wee car £600 will get piks if anyone is intrested we are in need of a bigger car as wee are going out alot with 3 dogs at a time and 2 kids it aint very usefull anymore .

Glow plugs in a 1litre petrol???????????????????????????????????????

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sorry i just wrote everything the girl was telling me she works at arnold clark so just been serviced etc didnt even notice i had put glow plugs it isnt a diesel so sorry no new glow plugs lol

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