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Good to Great Dogs

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I've often wondered when does a terrier go from being a good dog to a great dog.

How do you guys test that terrier [ no'one want's to break a terrier]

Does he become a great dog through his feats underground, if so what were those feats [ first hand experience, not hearsay or urban myths, please]

Does he become great through the offspring they give birth to or sire.

Or is it simply a combination of these two & other factors that I've not mentioned.

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it too hard to say,GREAT is a matter of opinoin,people have different standards,a great dog to someone could be an average dog to someone else. i think for a dog to be great it has to have that something special,a real extra drive to get the job done,a dog that can sort out digs that have gone wrong on other terriers,a dog that if he has already been dug but he is required will dig again EVERY time he is asked,a dog that you can put into the biggest and hardest of places and will stay untill the job is done,even against well schooled quarry,these dogs are GREAT dogs,they are hard to get, and not every terrierman will ever have one,most men will have several very good dogs,even excellent dogs but maybe never the great dog who knows!! but when you have one or have dug to one they leave an impression !( i dont have one by the way,and never have had)

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Guest boysfaetheblackstuff

totally agree with you dev :clapper: iv been out with so called great dogs and they were not a patch on the the ones the week before.. its your own opinion on what you want the dog to do :yes:

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