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bedlington greyhound

Guest fell terrier

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Guest fell terrier

jarvie go and eat some more porridge why would i want to waste fuel travelling up there the dog has sold if you are man enough then come and have a go thirty five years eh and never had one make above 24 inch who s the liar the people on here or you ehm i wonder as for beddy v bull come on be real rabbit and hare odd fox real bull cross fox all night and hare and rabbit too oh and i think ill have some venison for tea pre ban:gunsmilie: anyway to all you normal people out there interested the lad has sold the dog thanks for the interest and sorry for the odd messers comments on here like i say i only put it on here for a favour and ended up being slagged no disrespect but i have now intention of ever ownng one as they would be as about as much use to me as a bull with tits but hey each to there own

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