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A little advice please

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Picked up a pup last week, since then the pups found his feet no problem at all, if im honest from the moment he walked in the door, very bold little fella and full of beans, I like him loads, he lives outside with my Mastiff.

Here he is meeting Beau for the first time.



Before he has his dinner we do a bit of flirt play in the garden, he loves this, very short amount of time, just a few mins, then he comes in the house for a while to play with us and the other dogs and then he has his dinner, 3 times a day hes being fed at the mo, bones one day and kibble the next (as the big dogs are fed this way)


He at the moment is having no problems with the indoor - outdoor life, happily plays in the kennel with Beau, sleeps out there no noise apart from the odd yappy puppy play, for a working dog am I doing the right thing by him?


Anyone else have this system successfully.


Ike in bed



Enjoying the good life indoors, to be honest this was the original reason for him being fed indoors, I need to keep an eye on him with his bone for a while, the Staffords almost swallow hole sometimes, scares the bloody life out of me. lol





Pouncing after stalking the rubber toy.



Wrestling the Staffords






This pic taken last night, not even been here a week, now those that know my Rhea know hes right pushing his luck, mind you she is as good as gold with him, lets him get away with so much but then the grumbles get louder, hes learning!





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e025.gif Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am happy enough in my own knowledge of bull breeds to advise others on those occasions I am asked, but bullbreeds, my type of bullbreeds, a working terrier that is mainly for one purpose could be of a different mould, my Staffies are all family pets, live in the house and I, as they enjoy the pursuits we choose to follow, I pretty much follow each one as an individual and provide a life that suits them.

Ike is different in many ways, Staffords love a fuss, cuddles and affection, eager to please, would sit with your hand resting on their head for hours just for that human contact, well Ike just likes to please himself, hes happy to be picked up for 20 seconds, gives a kiss, wags his tail, then wants off, wants to please himself, amuse himself, I dont want to stifle his natural (hopefully) ability and nature.

At the moment I am treating him very much as I find him but I dont want to risk his natural ability by turning him into what I know as my own comfort zone.

Very ready to take advice from those that know better than I.

Ikes breeding is cross breed, may help people out in answering this thread, his Sire is straight Patterdale, working lines, dad keep rats and rabbits down on the family farm (never out on anything bigger), Dam is Jack Russell X Stafford, does the same as Sire, Ikes future is pretty much the same as Sire and Dam, rats and rabbits.

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e025.gif Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am happy enough in my own knowledge of bull breeds to advise others on those occasions I am asked, but bullbreeds, my type of bullbreeds, a working terrier that is mainly for one purpose could be of a different mould, my Staffies are all family pets, live in the house and I, as they enjoy the pursuits we choose to follow, I pretty much follow each one as an individual and provide a life that suits them.

Ike is different in many ways, Staffords love a fuss, cuddles and affection, eager to please, would sit with your hand resting on their head for hours just for that human contact, well Ike just likes to please himself, hes happy to be picked up for 20 seconds, gives a kiss, wags his tail, then wants off, wants to please himself, amuse himself, I dont want to stifle his natural (hopefully) ability and nature.

At the moment I am treating him very much as I find him but I dont want to risk his natural ability by turning him into what I know as my own comfort zone.

Very ready to take advice from those that know better than I.

Ikes breeding is cross breed, may help people out in answering this thread, his Sire is straight Patterdale, working lines, dad keep rats and rabbits down on the family farm (never out on anything bigger), Dam is Jack Russell X Stafford, does the same as Sire, Ikes future is pretty much the same as Sire and Dam, rats and rabbits.

dont mean to caues any offence,but a future of rats and rabbits,hardly a working terrier!!!!!!but he looks happy and healthy,and your doing a fine job with him and should have no problems with this kind of SPORT,good luck with him,hes a real nice looking pup
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No offense taken, here to learn, only a newbie to all this e025.gif OH doesnt own a fire arms license and has only recently got back in to hunting so sticking to small quarry for now, at the mo we are only on rabbits, perhaps it will always be that but who knows where that will lead, just dont want to ruin this pup.

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Kinda answered my own question with time, little Ike was starting to like it too much indoors I think, started winging yesterday when put back outside, so looks like im in the garden to watch him eat his bones from now on. Hey ho, best to knock it on the head now before he gets to cozy, thanks for all the comments anyway people. a020.gif

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Picked up a pup last week for my OH to take out and about when he goes shooting, since then the pups found his feet no problem at all, if im honest from the moment he walked in the door, very bold little fella and full of beans, I like him loads, he lives outside with my Mastiff.

Here he is meeting Beau for the first time.



Before he has his dinner we do a bit of flirt play in the garden, he loves this, very short amount of time, just a few mins, then he comes in the house for a while to play with us and the other dogs and then he has his dinner, 3 times a day hes being fed at the mo, bones one day and kibble the next (as the big dogs are fed this way)


He at the moment is having no problems with the indoor - outdoor life, happily plays in the kennel with Beau, sleeps out there no noise apart from the odd yappy puppy play, for a working dog am I doing the right thing by him?


Anyone else have this system successfully.


Ike in bed



Enjoying the good life indoors, to be honest this was the original reason for him being fed indoors, I need to keep an eye on him with his bone for a while, the Staffords almost swallow hole sometimes, scares the bloody life out of me. lol





Pouncing after stalking the rubber toy.



Wrestling the Staffords






This pic taken last night, not even been here a week, now those that know my Rhea know hes right pushing his luck, mind you she is as good as gold with him, lets him get away with so much but then the grumbles get louder, hes learning!





here my advice for you.............................................................................



..................................... :thumbs:

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Hi there,

I have put him outside because that is where he had always been, born and bred outside so never thought anything of it, thought Beau would do him good in keeping him in check with manners and such like, worried I suppose id make him a big softie by bringing him in, my Mastiff was an indoor dog for ages, she eventually got stir crazy in the house, at about 3 years of age, so we built her a kennel in the garden close to the house, great guard for the dippy love everyone Staffords and she is happier.

Ike most certainly will go out eventually but not for a long time yet, hes great on lead at the mo so no worries there. He wont be running down any holes just yet............... e025.gif


He will pretty much come everywhere we go with the Staffords he will also go out with the guns to get him used to the noise and such, hes gonna have a pretty active life one way and another.

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