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My first Permission!!

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Just like to say thanks for some advice that i have read on this forum!! I have been shooting on my friends permission for a while now and have just recently secured my own. I would like to say thanks for those handy permissions forms posted on here and also some advice someone gave about trying local stables. I approaced a local stable owner and he was very keen to let me shoot there. Its only very small a couple of fields but I am hopeing to use the stable owners contacts with surrounding farmers.


Cheers Guys!!! :thumbs::thumbs:

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There is a saying, something like "From little acorns,mighty oaks doth grow". Well, it looks like you have planted your acorns. Shoot with care and consideration and you may be surprised what extra permission will come along. Best of luck matey.

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There is a saying, something like "From little acorns,mighty oaks doth grow". Well, it looks like you have planted your acorns. Shoot with care and consideration and you may be surprised what extra permission will come along. Best of luck matey.


Cheers mate!!! :victory:


Yes I intend to represent myself and the sport in the best possible way and hopefully I can secure more permissions!!

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There is a saying, something like "From little acorns,mighty oaks doth grow". Well, it looks like you have planted your acorns. Shoot with care and consideration and you may be surprised what extra permission will come along. Best of luck matey.


i could bet my life on it, that you will secure more permission, represent yourself well, be willing to lend a hand if asked by that i mean if the stable are looking for a quick job done, offer, once you start doing a job well farmer's will let you shoot on there land. i shoot fallow over two hour's drive from my home, and stopped with a farmer who had a puncture on his tractor early one morning, i had no gun just looking for a scout about to see were they were

i gave him a lift to his yard, hey presto 90 acres after asking simply "do you know where i could shoot a few fallow, today with the surrounding farms, although spaced a couple of miles apart, it's more like 350 acres!!!!! good comments about you will travel as fast as bad one's remember this.

oh and well done :thumbs:


Cheers mate!!! :victory:


Yes I intend to represent myself and the sport in the best possible way and hopefully I can secure more permissions!!

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