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just flicking through e bay, and came across a mole gun from germany, any of you mole trappers ever heard of such a thing

presume it works a bit like harri karri, mole pushes onto the front, and blows its bloody head off :gunsmilie:



here's the number;230235360282

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They have a pressure plate like most mole traps do except when Mr Mole pushes it up he is not met by squeezing jaws or spears but by a charge of lead. Many were made from old WW2 rifle actions on the continent, that one you have found there is a modern copy of an old type.



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They have a pressure plate like most mole traps do except when Mr Mole pushes it up he is not met by squeezing jaws or spears but by a charge of lead. Many were made from old WW2 rifle actions on the continent, that one you have found there is a modern copy of an old type.



As i understand it moles are a protected species in Germany..........just another useless fact i suppose :thumbs:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

First one I ever came across was Swiss (or Swedish? One of the two). Bloke had it amongst a huge display of traps at a GameFair. (I think it was Trevor, OTC). I asked what the hell it was and, sure enough, he explained to me that it fired a .303 round!!! :icon_eek:


Then he walked away as I just stood there with my jaw on my boots!

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well, thats answered my question, cheers all, who's going to post a video of one actually working,lol


just another piece of useless info, but while wasting time looking around a large shop called QD's came across those cheap mole traps, bloody hell, everywhere's selling pest control stuff these days, well recognised the traps they are selling, are also being sold on e bay, at a higher price, plus delivery, so for the householder that wants to try getting rid of mr mole himself, QD's are better than e bay





QD's £1.99 each

evil bay £4.99 for 2 plus post

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well, thats answered my question, cheers all, who's going to post a video of one actually working,lol


just another piece of useless info, but while wasting time looking around a large shop called QD's came across those cheap mole traps, bloody hell, everywhere's selling pest control stuff these days, well recognised the traps they are selling, are also being sold on e bay, at a higher price, plus delivery, so for the householder that wants to try getting rid of mr mole himself, QD's are better than e bay



QD's £1.99 each

evil bay £4.99 for 2 plus post

Ive tried them traps and they arent that bad. Probably the best of the "cheapies". Jaws tended to be a bit wide, but the coil spring made for a clean kill and they didnt collapse after a few frosts unlike some.

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