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Did anyone else read FHM this month with the interview with that c**t who investigated "the farmer boys"


This pondlife needs to be named and shamed


Q What is the current biggest threat to uk wildlife???

A Lampers..4x4s full of lurcher dogs and terriers..powerful lamps..blinding foxes , torn to shreds etc etc..


Why do people read such shite??? We need to get in touch with the mag and put them fecking straight..Hidden agendas again from these left wing liberals in the press..grips my shit

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Guest john2007oliver
Did anyone else read FHM this month with the interview with that c**t who investigated "the farmer boys"


This pondlife needs to be named and shamed


Q What is the current biggest threat to uk wildlife???

A Lampers..4x4s full of lurcher dogs and terriers..powerful lamps..blinding foxes , torn to shreds etc etc..


Why do people read such shite??? We need to get in touch with the mag and put them fecking straight..Hidden agendas again from these left wing liberals in the press..grips my shit



theres no point .. Anti hunting stories sell better than pro .. Human nature dictates a natural blood lust while society depresses it. So the more gruesome a story, whilst saying its wrong gets the the best publicity. So people can get the fix from the story but still feel good about themselves. There not going to change us so why attempt to change them. Thats not going to happen either.


Just leave them to it and carry on doing what your doing.


Might i say this all sounded good in my head but im no good at getting it from there to paper :angel:

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I had to do a Google for ‘FHM’ and wow!!!!!! There are some seriously gorgeous young ladies on the web site.

But as for anything else, are you really suggesting anyone would take it seriously???? Even Viz is more convincing. :crazy:

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the FHM type of periodical is not for me, however bored on nights at work there was a lads mag left around, it might have been FHM i cant remember , it had an article on shooting wolves in Russia, in fact i think it was FHM, this was a year or so ago.


The journalist went to the part of russia that is a waste land after the chernobyl incident, he had shooting lessons with a shotgun and a handful of cartridges.....


then he was helicoptered alongside a running wolf and shot it with an AK47 :gunsmilie:


not really a sporting read, more a "canned" hunt, but not portrayed as a bad thing and it had details of how to book yourself a similar "hunt"

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Did anyone else read FHM this month with the interview with that c**t who investigated "the farmer boys"


Why do people read such shite??? We need to get in touch with the mag and put them fecking straight..Hidden agendas again from these left wing liberals in the press..grips my shit


Get interupted on your chimp strokes did ya Killer? :laugh::laugh:

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Did anyone else read FHM this month with the interview with that c**t who investigated "the farmer boys"


Why do people read such shite??? We need to get in touch with the mag and put them fecking straight..Hidden agendas again from these left wing liberals in the press..grips my shit


Get interupted on your chimp strokes did ya Killer? :laugh::laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: There's nothing worse than that....................... :laugh: :laugh:

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Did anyone else read FHM this month with the interview with that c**t who investigated "the farmer boys"


This pondlife needs to be named and shamed


Q What is the current biggest threat to uk wildlife???

A Lampers..4x4s full of lurcher dogs and terriers..powerful lamps..blinding foxes , torn to shreds etc etc..


Why do people read such shite??? We need to get in touch with the mag and put them fecking straight..Hidden agendas again from these left wing liberals in the press..grips my shit

write to c*nt that wrote it and ask him what he'd do if there was a nest full of f*cking great big rats under his kiddies wendy house? :hmm: hmm straight round to the bloke down the street with 2 russsels' erm excuse me mate but could you sort these rats out for me. PR*CK :wankerzo4: :chair: :chair: :chair: :chair:

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Im sure it was in FHM that they done a feature on weight pulling, would of been around 15 year ago. Guess the fashion has changed.



Blimey, you've got a good memory mate!


If the article you're talking about was the one in SKY magazine, it was 1991!!! The actual article was written in 1989 though nearly 20 years ago :icon_eek::icon_eek:


It was sort of my fault that article ever got written, it was by a then struggling young reporter called Steve Berry (who later went on to become a Top Gear presenter and general snob who forgot who his friends were.....)


Steve used to write for Scootering magazine in the late 80's and I sort of knew him through Scooters already, then I built a bit of a custom scooter and he wanted to put it into the magazine, when he came to my house to do the photos he met my dogs, and saw a couple of trophies and certificates for weightpulling, he had a dog too, an EBT called Jack, so I told him about the weightpull club in Liverpool where I went and he came along, Jack was shit at pulling, but Steve asked the lads if they would mind him writing an article (Steve not Jack!) and that's where all that came from.


The club was called Liverpool Stafford Fanciers, and started in about 1987 until around 1991, we had a couple of shows at the old Quadrant Park nightclub (in the daytime of course) which were quite successful.










You took me back a bit there Waz!


As for the FHM article, I'd have thought it was obvious it wasn't exactly a serious magazine, hopefully that undercover reporters opinions will be treated with the contempt they deserve.


Surprised he's still with us, would have thought he'd done plenty to justify his disappearance ........

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Steve Berry took over from Gareth Brown didn't he?

I am right in thinking he had no real interest in scoots at all did he?


I remember Loaded doing a feature on dangerous dogs about ten years ago...it had Ian Brown on the front cover. I remember cos it was in my bogs at work :D

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