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who would win a ferret or a stote!!!!!!!

Guest the dogs bollok

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i have seen ferrets bolting stoats and weasels with no problems ... if it came to a fight my cash would be on the ferret ..... a wild polecat would be a different story ... i used to ferret a farm in west wales that was over run with polecats and the ferrets would get a pasting every week ... in the end they were starting to refuse to go to ground so i sacked the farm ..... tough fuckers them polecats ...........

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going back a few years ago where i use to go ferreting ther were few stoats and not ones did they have ago at the ferret they would run like hell one time i was ferreting i put my ear to the hole and the stoat run past my face and another time put my ear to the hole and a rat run out



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bolted a lot of weasels and a few stoats over the years, never had one stand its ground, many years ago the grandfather had wild polecats, he used them to line jills, they were like pitbulls on steriods, poor jills took some beating from them, non of the wild polecats ever became domesticated,they were just for breeding, they had some attitude lol


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Guest knocavoeboy
  the dogs bollok said:
cheers lads keep em cumin


wats the difference between a dog ferret and a ferret????

some people dont use the correct terms for ferrets, me included.

i call a female a bitch, jill the proper term

i call a male a dog, hob the proper term

where they live i call a run, court is the proper term

and the young i call cubs, kits is the proper term.

also a ferett finder is called a bleeper box in my locality.

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  the dogs bollok said:
:blink:  :blink: what would happen if my ferret was to come across a stote or another predator down the hole. im curious because i think my ferret was fighting it did not sound like a rabbit. :blink:  :blink:

If it was one o my ferrets, it'd win - cos it's got any one o' three big hairy-arsed lurchers for back-up :friends: :rolleyes: :whistle: :11:

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  mistwalker said:
  the dogs bollok said:
:blink:  :blink: what would happen if my ferret was to come across a stote or another predator down the hole. im curious because i think my ferret was fighting it did not sound like a rabbit. :blink:  :blink:

If it was one o my ferrets, it'd win - cos it's got any one o' three big hairy-arsed lurchers for back-up :friends: :rolleyes: :whistle: :11:

my polecats as they have ma pit bull x as back up :ph34r:

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Ive bolted stoats a few times but they don't like bolting when they have just dodged four terriers, an old albino jill of mine would never jib and was battered from the rats regular but she jacked on that stoat.

Shags i shot a weasel between the eyes last year while it was carrying a vole ;)

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