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One of my dogs started to choke last night and I administered something as close to the heimlich manoeuvre as I could manage, not having ever done it before on dog or human. It did seem to help but I was worried I could do her some harm through ignorance. What's the right thing to do if your dog's choking? You know, I mean really choking on food not just coughing due to eating too fast.....

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

It seem one thing NOT to do is jamb ye finger down there? I remember one poor lad from here had his terrier choking on a chicken bone. (Cooked and offered without realising it was stuck to a bit of skin, by the way) He tried the instinctive thing and the vet later told him he'd probably, quite inadvertently, done her more harm than good. Poor sod lost her anyway, despite rushing her to the vets within moments :(


F*cking nightmare scenario. Personally, I too would try my best with the traditional methods used on humans. I just pray I never have to though!



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