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Running Dogs

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bedlington, bull, collie, deerhound, get your self a saluki cross. you can do foxes, rabbits and deer but with the added bonus coursing hares

now baz,i have had saluki crosses for 20 years and to be truthfull and fair you can get saluki crosses which will pick rabbits up on the lamp,mark sets,pull deer down,tackle a fox ect but i think what it is is that a lot of lads dont like the look of for example a 28in skinny feathered dog when hes only going up the moor to put a few rabbits out the rough so they would probably get a collie greyhound or a deerhound or bedlington cross,dont get me wrong i have a lot of respect for the saluki hybrid in the coursing field and other aspects of lurcher work but all im saying is a saluki cross couldn,t compete with a 3/4 whippet 1/4 bedlington while out ferreting or a bull greyhound at hole ending,deer work or despatching large quarry as fast as such a cross but thats just my personel opinion,i my self are running bed/whippets and pure whippets because all i am hunting now is rabbit and a odd hare. :no:

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bedlington, bull, collie, deerhound, get your self a saluki cross. you can do foxes, rabbits and deer but with the added bonus coursing hares

maybe a good choice for an allrounder ? but if 90% of the work was foxes would you choose the same cross ?

as i've said before i run mainly foxes and deer and after having virtually every cross available i've found bull crosses the most suitable for me.

now if i were mainly rabbiting or hare coursing my choice of dog would definately be different.

imo select a dog that is suitable for your needs not what everyone else is using ;)

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It's like the old saying says it's Horses for courses.

Unfortunately on here anybody who prefers anything other than the fashionable Pit Bull cross ,maybe a more traditional cross that has served people in this country for centuries ,seems to get stick no matter how valid the reasons for not wanting one are.The same used to apply when Saluki or Deerhound crosses were all the rage.

Personally I have never been fashionable in any way ,music, cloths or anything .

I weigh up the options think about it and do what I want, not what the others who follow like sheep.


Another thing you have to think about when picking a type of dog is not only what you want to hunt but will it's temperament suit yours and the environment you live in.


Timid skittish first cross collies drive me mad,but some don't mind them and turn them into great dogs.I couldn't I don't have the patience to put up with them. :friends:

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