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collie x grey

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i would prefer to buy from a lad or lassie that works the parents but i may go down that road in the end.i am interested in a 3/4 bred g.hound collie.there scarce on the ground it seems.

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there not scarce mate but the very good ones thta kill all qaurry when legal are carefully bred and not given out willy nilly as you say they are like hens teeth good line bred colie crosses are getting rarer ive still got one but well ill breed her this year but all in all the pups maybe go long before they are born but mayb therel bee one left or two but itll have to be when she has them and see how many she has etc as there a few wanting them but only DEDICATED guys who shall get them mate

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IM DEDICATED IM DEDICATED,lol.Well I wont grovel but I will work it well and I keep 1 lurcher only so I like an all round dog,I use it with the gun,nets,lamp,bushing,I am sometimes asked to deal with foxes and I hold high hopes of getting a dog to mark and flush both feather and fur on its own account.What more can I say.And if you would like to do a hiome check thats ok too,lol.I live in hope.I saw a litter of collie X's last week but they were bred willy nillie,no good blood there i thought.

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