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1/2 cross whippet greyhound

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Guest smashygadge
  aadan-113 said:
Has any body ever had a half cross whippet greyhound , thinking of geting a lamping dog just wondered what everyone thaught of them ?


hi bud a freind of mine has one 23tts very quick little dog works well he seems well happy with his

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  aadan-113 said:
Has any body ever had a half cross whippet greyhound , thinking of geting a lamping dog just wondered what everyone thaught of them ?


Hia chuk. Personally, I would get something with a bit more substance. I don't like a lot of whippet in a lamping or coursing dog because I believe they're more prone to injury. We used them years ago. (whippet greyhounds)They were always being laid up for one injury or another, and they were bred from top class racing whippet stock.


Probably suit you if you only go out for a couple of rabbits now and again, but that is only my opinion. I'm sure there are some very good ones about.

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I have one she is 23.5 and very keen, good feet,fast and Stamina galore just wish she was bigger as she does not have the power for the game I hunt. She has caught jack rabbits dureing the day and had no problem grabbing them as my stags tend to miss a few grabs before they strike right. she is very game almost thinks she is a bull dog not ill with other dogs just game. She is a little stubbern and I do not know why as I did not raise her, She does not pout like a greyhound she just has her way of doing things and if you have a problem with that she just wont do them.

Edited by Rocks
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got one and pre ban she took roe rabbit and hare single handed and took a fox one nite , she has no broken toes and realy gives a hare a hard time she has speed to burn and pretty good stamina she was bred of boy blue and a greyhound that one open races from 800 to 1200 yds she has the stamin like her mother, she loved a roe when legal she is not bad at the ferretin to but ,i feched her stoppers runing her on rabbs last summer my fault but well thats life they heeld but , sometimes bleed when the ground is shitty as she is fast etc cheers

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  willrennyferreter said:
my mate has one a white dog and a few years ago it was 9 years old it was still taking roe pre ban better then his top bullx :) very nice dog i was offered her last pup for free but reluctantly declined :(

can i ask why you declined

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had a whipxgrey very pre ban got killed 1979 did most stuff very well but great bushing /ferreting dog but at that time i was out 24/7 so that helped matters, more of a cyber hunter these days ,but still get out in winter on hound exercise ;)

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