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the shannon matthews story

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from my perspective the main problem they had with the media was that unlike the McCanns they did n't employ a media PR person--the McCanns have an offical spokesperson and he aint a family friend either, the matthews just had the mums best mate.


My opinion was that they stopped doing the press interviews because they were getting stitched up


the father of the family (well the bloke who currently lives with mum) works, he is a fishmonger, so regardless of what benefits they recieve they are contributing to society with income tax etc...


and lest we forget, theirs was a 9 year old walking home from school, a perfectly respectable and reasonable thing for a 9 year old to do


the McCann's are negligent and un-caring parents who left their kids hundreds of yards away in an un-locked apartment whilst they went out with mates, the matthews although not perfect aren't negligent or uncaring at all!


Cracking post Compo :thumbs: I thought the programme cleared up a few points,namely how the Rag Tabloids that masquerade as newspapers tried holding them to ransom,by telling them to tell there own story rather than them make it up.What a shower of c**ts the tabloids are.F*****g sad that people with nothing were selling raffle tickets and doing sponsored walks to raise money to print "find Shannon" leaflets,where was Richard Branson then? obviously the wrong image for his products.What a joke this country is,we're back to the haves and the have nots.A young kid is missing and because of her mothers sleeping arrangements and where they live,nobody cares.Shame on the lot of them,may they never have the torment of losing a child. :no:

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totally agree with you on this they werent born with a silver spoon in there mouths more like a shovel but hell she is a 9 year old child for fucks sake that deserves the same as any other child that goes missing this could have happened anywere in this "great britain" of ours this kid was coming home from school not left in a apartment whilst mummy and daddy are out with friends in a tapaz bar in another country... and now with more money from the express because they said they could have had something to do with ... money goes to money and the mathews family end up with f**k all ... they didnt jet around the globe meeting the pope or other leaders no they had to sit at home waiting and waiting and then get slagged off for getting some beer in to help them deal with what was happening .. as said before one law for one another for the rest of us .. lets hope this never happens to any of our kids .




from my perspective the main problem they had with the media was that unlike the McCanns they did n't employ a media PR person--the McCanns have an offical spokesperson and he aint a family friend either, the matthews just had the mums best mate.


My opinion was that they stopped doing the press interviews because they were getting stitched up


the father of the family (well the bloke who currently lives with mum) works, he is a fishmonger, so regardless of what benefits they recieve they are contributing to society with income tax etc...


and lest we forget, theirs was a 9 year old walking home from school, a perfectly respectable and reasonable thing for a 9 year old to do


the McCann's are negligent and un-caring parents who left their kids hundreds of yards away in an un-locked apartment whilst they went out with mates, the matthews although not perfect aren't negligent or uncaring at all!

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