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Open sights?


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As a teenager i had a mate who owned a Relum Tornado(i think??) well it was a underlever anyway.I had my trusty HW35 & he was forever "tuning" his Relum basically pouring loads of 3 in 1 oil into the cylinder to keep the leather washer in good order :blink: & when blue smoke was coming out of the barrel end he used to say"thats more powerful than my 35!!"Oh the joys of dieselling :o :11:

Oh Man ,The Relum Tornado was the posh one I could,nt afford!About twelve pounds I think.Actually the Relums were notoriously easy to tune a bit.Very accurate compared with the BSA's of the day. Now I know that the picture below shows the Relum with a telescopic sight aboard -a cheap "Mountie " -but it's in keeping with the spirit of the subject matter I think.I could take you to the exact spot where I shot that bunny even now. I was my first . :thumbs:

Quality photo Comanche :drinks: im only 34 meself but its bringing a smile to my face thinking about the teenage years, shooting in places you cant even walk around now,only a handfull of cheap Milbro slugs& taking crazy shots at anything at any range :gunsmilie: On my Meteor i didnt have a rear sight only the bit of metal it was sat on & my foresight was a cut down nail :lol: it used to work tho....then i went all posh got meself a HW35 think i paid(well parents did)£40 in 1986 & i loved that gun,used it every minute of every day,used to hammer the ferals down the docks :hunter:

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i have recently taken the scope off my hw77 and put the open sights back on because i felt like a little change, and its great fun shooting squirrels and magpies from about 20-30 yards away :] . but then i have good days when i feel like i can hit a fly from 100 yrds and then bad ones where i miss nearly everything, like a squirrel from about a meter away...... the dog gave me a look as if to say 'you twat' when i did that haha

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As a teenager i had a mate who owned a Relum Tornado(i think??) well it was a underlever anyway.I had my trusty HW35 & he was forever "tuning" his Relum basically pouring loads of 3 in 1 oil into the cylinder to keep the leather washer in good order :blink: & when blue smoke was coming out of the barrel end he used to say"thats more powerful than my 35!!"Oh the joys of dieselling :o :11:

Hi Ive got amongst my collection a Crossman co2 pump feed rifle which was made in the sixties I believe any how the sights on this are brilliant and very easy to use,the foresight is normal blade whilst rear has a notch set at the bottom of a U and itso accurate all who have fired this old lady comment on how good the sights are and so basic

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dont know why I went to tele. sights. Just for lamping I suppose. I have always in the past used open sights. I have had Relum tornados, webleys, BSA's,Weirach. My favourite gun was the fenwerbau sport - with the open sights it was deadly. I am now using the hw77. I am going to go back to the open sights but at the moment I do not have one for it as I lost it in moving house. I have looked on ebay etc but have not found one yet. If anyone has one for sale I would be interested. I think everybody should go back to open sights occasionally just to keep there options opens. and it is a lot more fun



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