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absolutely irish lurcher...i have a brother who is 7 yrs old and i'm exposing him to as much as i feel healthy...

he now has ferrets and feeds the terriers although he's not responsilbe enough to have his own gun or go digging

he has much more exposure than i ever had.


i know you like yer pike fishing and am proud to announce that he is doing vrry well at that too...


yours in sport


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My mrs little girl is only 4 but she has already been introduced to the ways of hunting. She understands that we shoot birds to eat them, and can't wait to come and see how its done, got her own little pink ear defenders for the job too. She tells everyone that birdies are to be shot then eaten..... :victory:


Loves watching the arena demos at game fairs and is now mad keen to get a ferret and learn all about them!!


She's also mad mad keen on horses, and had a few lessons.......think this whole thing could get expensive :doh:

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My mrs little girl is only 4 but she has already been introduced to the ways of hunting. She understands that we shoot birds to eat them, and can't wait to come and see how its done, got her own little pink ear defenders for the job too. She tells everyone that birdies are to be shot then eaten..... :victory:


Loves watching the arena demos at game fairs and is now mad keen to get a ferret and learn all about them!!


She's also mad mad keen on horses, and had a few lessons.......think this whole thing could get expensive :doh:

You're not kidding!! My other half is into horses, and me guns. The horse costs a fortune, and then the rifles on top - it would be cheaper if I was a junkie I reckon!!

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