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Mine are in too.


I seem to recall reading somewhere that a woman's house was broken into last year, and they took her whippet, who was a 6 or 7 year old non worker, and spayed. Left her other dogs behind.


If someone tried to take my dogs from me I'd go ballistic :censored:

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Well ive got 2 motion sensitive lights front and back and cameras front and back aswel also have an alarm setup .. if none of that deters the fu*king scum I have a nice array of bats which i'd drag the w@nkers upstairs to meet :boxing: the dogs stay in the house also due to a spate of dog thefts round this bit about 3 years ago.

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as far as im concerned, first floor, second floor, backyard or bloody loft. if there on me property they'll be leaving it minus some facial parts. i hate thieving b*****ds f*****g scum. especially when it comes to taking others dogs. my mates house got burguled and to stop the dog barking they fed it a great big bar of chocolate

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Guest JohnGalway

Was at this house one evening to collect a lurcher pup with another member on here. He also bred rottys, expensive ones. Before we got into the yard he went into the house, he had a rotty on a chain, only way he could handle him was on a chain that went through a wall. So he pulled him in before we went into the yard. The kennels were behind the house so off we went. Narrow walkway between sheds, we got told to walk on the left hand side and mind our fingers. Half way down I can only describe what happened as coming out of a horror movie. Foaming beast of pure muscle and teeth lept at a mesh wire door, almost pushed it out too. Scariest thing I'd ever seen.


Now, I don't believe in ever having an animal like that, and don't agree with what that fella was doing for security. But tell ya this much, even going there with my five shot semi I wouldn't f*****g go in that yard nevermind down that walk way :blink:

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  lurchermick said:
Could this be because, once found there by the occupant, that occupant has every right - in fear of his own life - to blow that intruders muvva f*kking head off???




sorry to correct you mate but you cant do out like that unless the intruder in on the first floor not the ground other wise its assault on the intruder no matter what there wearing or look like




your wrong mate........if you are affraid for your life you CAN use reasonable force..and reasonable force can be from shouting at the intruder to taking there life.it all depends on cerconstances at the time..it dont matter if there up stairs down stairs or in your shed......as for security youve got to do what you can really..put switches on your gates and laser running along your walls/fences with an alarm in your bedroom so its just load enogh to wake you but not be heard from outside.then if they come over the wall it brakes the laser and they dont know you know they are there....gaurd dogs can be drugged....you can also get camera's that use a sim card and send you a pic to your mobile if triggered..camera's dont really stop your dogs getting stolen ........

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  lurchermick said:
Could this be because, once found there by the occupant, that occupant has every right - in fear of his own life - to blow that intruders muvva f*kking head off???




sorry to correct you mate but you cant do out like that unless the intruder in on the first floor not the ground other wise its assault on the intruder no matter what there wearing or look like



If my memory serves me correctly, they have to be on the 3rd or above Stair Stringer?

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Had this dicussion on another site a while ago seems you can use reasonable force to subdue the intruder which to me entails knocking the twot out with anything you can find handy they aint coming for a brew and you dont know their intentions or whether they are tooled up best to err on the side of caution but saying that your facualties are diminished when first woken up so until the adrenaline kicks in you are vunerable after that Isuppose anything can happen as for the third tread malarky that would not come into my thinking :whistling:

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  lurchermick said:
Could this be because, once found there by the occupant, that occupant has every right - in fear of his own life - to blow that intruders muvva f*kking head off???




sorry to correct you mate but you cant do out like that unless the intruder in on the first floor not the ground other wise its assault on the intruder no matter what there wearing or look like



Years back kenny noye stabbed a copper to death in his back garden, admitted to stabbing him to the courts and walked from a murder charge!!! the police will always try and convict you for something cos they want to try and put people off taking the law into thier own hands.....if they done a proper f*****g job in the first place maybe people woiuldn't have to!!! i'd cut the c**ts hands off and put a knife in it, say he was gonna stab me!!!!

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