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ferreting the old fashioned way

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  bubbles said:
does anyone ferrett without using locators and which is the most effective way


no, always use a locator, you'll get some on here, that dont use them, but if my ferts kill underground, i want to get the rabbit up, and continue getting more rabbits, within the day

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I have ferreted without a locater this season. I prefer to use one, you'll get a lot more rabbits. If you feed your ferret up the night before you go, it may still kill underground, but it might not lay up.

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i have ferreted with out locators for years and take a well fed hob to push the the jill off they are not keep to gether so he soon moves the jill and the hod never layes up so you loose a few rabbits but still get good numbers depending on how good your fettets are ???? sam wards terrier will dig to where the ferret is layed up so you dig on and the terrier will pull the rabbit out with the ferret on its nose :thumbs::thumbs: i had never seen anything like it till the other week and i have a few years under my belt to over 25 year

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i dont alway's use a ferret locater i tend to ferret more without one as my ferrets are ok and decent workers i wlways feed them the night before never had any problem yet yes i have had them kill but come up then other times i have sat and waited a couple of hours for them to come up



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i have not got a locator and guys i no dont use them but still have good days, also depends what ferrets u got some like to lay up and others wont, some people say y spend 80 pound for a locator to get a 5 pound ferret,,, its all your choice but i am getting 1 ...

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I don't use a locator, and rarely have to wait to long for my ferts to come up, but i did have a 3hr lay up so am looking to get a locator, from what I've been told you either get a locator or get a whole shed load of patience :yes:

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It's not always a case of the ferret killing and lying up when they don't come out.

Some times they end up on the wrong side of a rabbit in a stop end then if another one or two rabbits jam the first rabbit in the ferret finds itself stuck up behind 3 rabbits. :doh:

It might take it a long time to get back out,but if you've got a locator it's just a simple case of digging down to the stuck ferret.


I must admit to ferreting for many years without a locator,but after using one I wouldn't be without one now.

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  tote said:
It's not always a case of the ferret killing and lying up when they don't come out.

Some times they end up on the wrong side of a rabbit in a stop end then if another one or two rabbits jam the first rabbit in the ferret finds itself stuck up behind 3 rabbits. :doh:

It might take it a long time to get back out,but if you've got a locator it's just a simple case of digging down to the stuck ferret.


I must admit to ferreting for many years without a locator,but after using one I wouldn't be without one now.


I see your point there :yes: that's why i'm gonna get a locator, got around £80 to swap for one, just need to find someone willing to swap :D

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  martin said:
I can honestly say that I have never used a locator in the last 30+ years.Even though recently someone gave me a mk1 and collar.....................Martin.

Fancy giving it to me then? i'll let you know if it's any use :drink:

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Guest little_lloyd

Yes i use a locator all of the time,, Your furret could be stuck down under and reli on you to get it back out,, Plus an extra rabbit pays of for me and i fecking love digging to my ferrets.


A days ferreting is not complete without a dig :boogie:

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