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Anti's What are they capable of

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
we all know that they are not all hippys and have purple hair and some can handle themselves but what would you do ditch if they come a knocking ?



:hmm: I rather think that would be a matter for both them and I to discover the truth of, should they come and dependent on the exact circumstance of the moment. Don't you?


Should I have any contingency, would ye really expect me to spell it out to who ever's reading this public forum? 8)

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if your involved with a hunt pack then im sure most people on here who are would have some stories to tell.but i no most of them wont put them up because there are too many antis who get on these sites.i no that we keep in touch with other packs concerning anti names and vehicle registrations and so on.thats the best way to be from the keeping safe side of things i think. :boxing::boxing:

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Guest bigredbusa
seen them at the waterloo cup few years back they where there by the truck load and big bastar*s at that waving the signs around did add too the atmisphere there was hundreds upon hundreds of people there most want the hare dead and that crowd of antis where praying for his poor grass nibbling soul! C*nts a hell !



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The subject of anti's seems to pop its ugly head quite often.......


We’ve all heard about people getting emails from Anti’s and it seems that people are very wary of meeting and saying to much which is good practice……. But what got me thinking here is that, I’ve been coming on to this site for about 2 years now, I arrived via airgun forums but in the 2 years I have been on here, I haven’t ever heard anyone mention much about just what these anti’s are capable of …..Yeah I heard all about the fat ginger geezer who did the documentary and someone sold his arse on eBay…… :toast::laugh:

But what has happened to you or what have you heard........


While I owned a gun shop I had a few small incidents; regularly had notes left on my car calling me a bunny killer and murderer etc.

Had a group (3 or 4) "students" come in one day trying to sell me something (for rag or charity or something) and then they clocked all the guns, taxidermy etc and started trying to bail me out..........very observant, what the hell did they think was in a shop with a great big sign outside saying "FIELD SPORTS"!!??


But more seriously, the Christmas before last, on the 15th Dec, I was walking back from a charity dinner in town, early hours of the morning and was assaulted by a small group calling me all the usuall rubbish while some fat slag looked on goadong them on. They soon buggered off when they realised I was going to give as good as I was getting. Incident made the local papers and was in Shooting Times the next week. Needless to say I was in the shop the next day with some sore ribbs and plenty of swolen bruises and cuts to my face....!

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