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playing anti's at there own game

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa

why cant we ? the problem with us is stand back and let the tree huggers walk all over us .


if they can post names and addys of people into fieldsports then why cant we post names and addys of the scum sabs etc..

i for one will quite happily get the ball rolling and set up a domain and website to do so but no doubt get nicked for it

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i've often thought, if the sabs infiltrate the hunting community to destroy from within, why don't the hunting community infiltrate the sabs? i'd be pretty good at it, i do a bit of acting, and i look like an anti - you wouldn't believe the dirty looks & grief i get at shows until i mention my grandfathers name!

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You are on the right path BRB, expose them for the drug smoking, rat infested dole bludgers they really are, what do they contribute to society, most have never had a job, they just see right to try and destroy the hunting lifestyle.

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Guest bigredbusa

sounds good to me :) so come on then whos the grandfather


ive thought of some great names for the site:





so come on post your own ideas and i will get it started , as i believe anyone who has been convicted can be named . suits me :)



now what should it be called ???

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Guest bigredbusa
oh yes good idea i think there were about 7 of them convicted about 3 monts ago for tresspassing i think


hunt a anti save a life .com



:) any names and addys please pm them to me or wait for the forum to start :)

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