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FOR SALE Isuzu Trooper Duty 3.0L Estate

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Isuzu Trooper Duty 3.0L Estate with On-The-Fly 4WD. 1998 "S" Reg


Excellent bodywork, 7 seater, Air Con, Alloys, stereo CD, finished in Forest Green.


6 months Tax.7 months MOT.


140k mileage hence priced at £2750


Please pm only..thanks for looking



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sadly for that money doubt it will go only got £ 1950 for mine that was a 99 with less miles had it up for £2995 for 3 months no offers even good luck you might find some one better thatn me all different areas vary...nice motor though all the same..........

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sadly for that money doubt it will go only got £ 1950 for mine that was a 99 with less miles had it up for £2995 for 3 months no offers even good luck you might find some one better thatn me all different areas vary...nice motor though all the same..........

There's always a chance lol A Citation went yesterday on ebay for 3200 same yr etc so I live in hope!

Its a lovely vehicle and suprisingly good on fuel and i'd keep it but we have 4 vehicles and can only drive one each at a time lol

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