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IRISH LURCHER - An Absolute Star!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: This guy sidled up to me, in PM, ages ago and said he had a PC that would set me back on track. And it was Two Hundred f*ckin Miles Away, but he'd sort something out :icon_eek:


Well, he proved true to his word! Yesterday I ran down to my local, in town, and there on a side table sat the entire shebang! Complete set up, from mouse to moniter. I'm on it now! :toast:


Already I'm realising how different it all is. I can even switch this thing on and off without a drama! It does pretty much what I ask of it, without sulking. It accepted all my own usual peripherals as smooth as ye like (Think I'll put some music on! :laugh:) Oh! There we go! Paul Weller. " Days of Speed ". And it's even sussed out what I'm playing - on a copied disc - and has shown me all the info on it! Old lap top was long since past managing that! :clapper: This is like having a computer again!


Now, of course, I'm up to my neck in trying to remember all my old Bookmarks and settings and get those sorted out again. Takes ye a week, doesn't it?! Mheanwhile, I'm experiencing a couple of the inevitable teething problems. So I'm about to shoot off and Post to ask about those.


But not before I express my heartfelt THANKS to a guy who's never even met me and yet went well and truly Beyond the call to just plain help somebody out! :yes:


IRISH LURCHER, take a bow, man! You truly are a f*cking Gentlemen! Kudos!!! :notworthy:

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Guest digdeep

You TWAT!! irish lurcher you have helped him to get back on line :laugh:

only joking, sound top man, this place/world needs more like ye, good on ye fella :thumbs:

see you`ll be back to fight another day yet ditch mate :yes:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  digdeep said:
you`ll be back to fight another day yet ditch mate :yes:




I Am back, Diggist! I'm sat here grinning like a silly, excited c*** because I've just this minute realised how I'm ripping through this place again! :D I click on a Post and it Just Opens!!! :toast: I haven't been able to do that for almost two f*cking months now! I'd click - sit here. Stare. Glare! Get pissed off and go look for something possibly worth the wait to read! I was reading maybe three Posts in Seven pages! :icon_eek:


Now, Thanks to our man there, I'm bouncing around the place, reading things at will and absolutely Gasping for a cup of tea! :laugh: I used to make one while a post opened. Now my throat's getting harsh! :clapper:

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he probably didnt mention he has a foot fetish and wants to suck yer toes ditch,he has ye in his pocket now so your FUC**D.I know ALL his tricks the dirty ould b*****d, :clapper: Hes a decent bloke,he did something similar for me a while back also.Hes probably shining his haylo right now,lol.

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